Reiki is a spiritual practice that helps get rid of negative energies, stress, and other kinds of pain through touch. This self-treatment is a healing art that originated in Japan. But can such sessions be conducted miles away from your advisor? Let’s find out.
What is an Online Reiki Healing?
The word “Reiki” combines two words from the Japanese language: rei – God’s wisdom and ki – life force energy. The term was developed by a Japanese in the 1900s.
Reiki distance healing is a belief system that energies created by our biofield impact our mental and physical health. A person who can produce positive energy currents can help us recover from various forms of pain by touching specific zones of our body. The touch serves as the process of channeling and directing healing powers from one human to another. A Reiki practitioner is an open channel, while a client is a receptionist of healing currents.
Although some people are skeptical about this practice, Reiki is used in many hospitals and hospices. This spiritual guidance can complement the general course of physical treatments, helping the patient balance their energy.
What does a Reiki distance healing session look like? A spiritual advisor touches the person’s body or usually runs their hands down one inch above, focusing on energy centers or chakras. A practitioner defines the state of your chakras — blocked, slightly blocked, active — and sends their vibrations to improve their balance.
And how does distance Reiki healing work? Is it even possible to conduct remote Reiki consultations? Contrary to the general skeptical assumptions of first-timers, a healing session with an offline Reiki practitioner is not a fairy tale, but a reality.
From a long-distance perspective, a Reiki healing session is as efficient as a conventional meeting. People often assume that the way we picture time and space is the same as they exist. However, it’s not like this. Reiki doesn’t require a right-away presence of an advisor. On the contrary, it requires energy, which a practitioner sends through the linear timeline. To understand the work of Reiki distance sessions, think about the concept of love: you can feel the love of your partner even if they are miles away because they send the love energies through time and space.
Best Online Reiki Healing Services
What is distance Reiki, and can it help me heal? I have a specific problem and want to approach an advisor for distance Reiki sessions. How to do it? To resolve these and similar issues, type in an Internet search for “Reiki healers near me” or use one of the websites below that offer Reiki long-distance healing guidance. These websites have a number of worthwhile features that will enhance your online Reiki session experience.
Some people think that Reiki is the same as simply touching a person and assume that everyone, even a relative or friend, can do it. But it is better to turn to professionals because they also have spiritual abilities that help direct healing forces to the patient.
How Online Reiki Healing Works
Usually, one Reiki long-distance healing session lasts 50–60 minutes. However, there are exceptions. For example, when the patient wants to continue the consultation or the reader believes that the given time is not enough to make some progress in the spiritual treatment course.
Before starting the consultation, you tell your practitioner exactly what problem you are concerned about — stress, anxiety, depression, and so on.
Next, the specialist begins the reading itself. Your practitioner plays the role of transmitting healing particles from the universe.
Offline consultations involve touching the human body, while online Reiki healing sessions are about transmitting vibrations through space and time.
During a consultation, your reader will usually put their hands in certain positions in the air, of which there are about 12–15. If you are relaxed and focused on Reiki healing, you may even feel these touches.
The advisor can hold their hands in different zones for different periods. This has a lot to do with the location of your chakras, which the Reiki sessions also help heal. If the practitioner feels that a specific chakra is blocked or out of balance, they will stay longer in that zone.
If the consultation is successful, you will feel energized and relieved.
What are Distant Reiki Healing Sessions Used to Treat?

Online Reiki healing specialists assist in treating various states.
This state of worry caused by different life situations can lead to various health problems, including an energy imbalance. The level of stress is different, which, in turn, affects the speed of treatment of this condition. Reiki practice is one of the methods of treating stress. The Reiki healer online sends you positive healing energy vibrations that interact with your biofield, helping you establish the balance needed to reduce stress levels.
Injury and post-surgery states
Although Reiki practitioners don’t say they can heal scars or help your bones heal in seconds, they can also help clients recover from these injuries differently. The fact is that physical problems also require spiritual help. Positive and healing vibrations directed to the injured area can improve and speed up the healing process.
The feeling of unease and fear is dangerous since it not only causes health problems but also doesn’t let us live to our full potential. A Reiki specialist can find the bunch of negative energy that makes you anxious.
The addition to the psychotherapeutic course
Remote Reiki healing sessions can serve as an aid to your meetings with a psychotherapist. Both practices help you solve internal problems that cause various bad states. But Reiki is more focused on the spiritual aspect of your life.
Self-care/self-discovery journey
It’s a great idea to go to a Reiki specialist if you just want to grow spiritually. Esoteric practices, including Reiki healing, very often become central to the lives of people who begin the path of spiritual learning.
What Reiki Can’t Heal? Although Reiki has many benefits in the treatment of physical and mental problems, there are conditions in which alternative medicine is powerless. First, it is the treatment of severe illnesses. Among them are the cancer of the last stages, a tumor, and AIDS/HIV. This list also includes severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia.
Remote healing sessions on Reiki help reduce anxiety, stress, and other emotionally negative states. They assist on a self-spiritual journey and are a wonderful tool for finding inner balance. Besides, Reiki sessions help improve the state of the chakras. However, Reiki is not effective in treating severe illnesses. If you have such, you should immediately address a medical professional.
The online healing technique of Reiki not only promotes relaxation and improves energy balance, but it also has other benefits. If you decide to order such a session, you will be able to enjoy fast access to Reiki practitioners via the most comfortable communication way. Several clicks are enough to get Reiki guidance through chat, email, phone, or video.
You don’t need to doubt the effectiveness of virtual Reiki consultations since they are connected not with time and space but with energy. However, online sessions can be less expensive than conventional consultation: the practitioner doesn’t need to pay rent and has to compete with other virtual contenders, which makes them set democratic prices.
Unfortunately, you should worry about one thing when you order remote healing sessions: fraudulent companies and practitioners. Although there are many ways to avoid scam sources, such as reading testimonials, checking payment terms and customer support, etc., you can still accidentally become a victim of such platforms. Also, you can order an inexperienced healer who will not be able to provide qualified assistance.
The frequency of orders for such a service depends on the complexity of your emotional state and how quickly you respond to such treatment. In addition, if you combine Reiki practice with the treatment of some other disease or a therapeutic course with a psychologist, then it is worth continuing these consultations until the physical/mental treatment course ends.
We recommend checking on the following criteria if you wish to find a reputable source for Reiki consultations: testimonials, payment terms, introductory deals and discounts, customer support, and satisfaction guarantee. It’s also worth reading the review articles on potential sources from skilled psychics. Besides, you can check the sources we have enlisted in this guide.
Video about Distance Reiki Healing
What is Reiki distance healing? It is about finding balance and relief from anxious states. It is an effective way of reducing negative feelings and healing the body and soul.
Such sessions online are relatively affordable for anyone who seeks such spiritual guidance. Besides, the world online lets us test a lot of services, providing a generous list of options for distance Reiki healing we showed today.