A crystal energy reading is a type of spiritual help that involves crystals as tools for healing, rediscovering, and presenting the energies surrounding you in the present moment.
Crystal readings are very popular among those who seek answers to questions that torture the mind and soul. Read further to learn more about this spiritual method.
What is a crystal reading?
A crystal reading is a way to discern information about hidden problems and upcoming perspectives with the help of crystals. Psychics utilize different crystals to define a personal power of a client to overcome negative energies. Besides, they use various crystal reading types for spiritual sessions, which we will discuss later.
Online crystal readings are predominantly affordable services. Virtual practitioners usually set pricing from $1/minute for spiritual sessions. However, you can enjoy free crystal readings too. Many psychic reading sources offer a free session trial to their new clients. Thus, you will get a chance to benefit from these platforms. Other services give introductory packages at a fair cost.
Best Crystals Reading Psychics
Many online psychic reading platforms have crystal sessions in their service options. At many of them, you can even enjoy free crystal reading after applying for introductory offers. We gathered the best websites that can offer you a psychic aid with crystals.
Who does the crystal energy readings?
Since crystal energy readings require decent skills and experience, only professional readers perform such sessions. Usually, such experts have a certificate in crystal readings and a lot of consultations done in their experience bags.
Crystal readers open your eyes to various perspectives of your current life. In addition, crystal practitioners may help you get rid of negative energy by analyzing images their crystals show.
How to select a crystal as a psychic aid?
If you are a crystal practitioner who wants to assist people by discovering secret chambers of their souls to provide answers, you will need a crystal for your psychic consultations. But how to know what crystal is the best for readings?
While deciding on what crystal to choose as a psychic helper for spiritual sessions, you should keep in mind that a crystal selects you, actually. When you look at the crystals in a spiritual shop or on an online page of such crystal providers, you will feel which of them will become your absolute number-one psychic aid. You may be attracted by color, shape, or even origin. If it’s an offline purchase, you can take crystals in your hand and, listening to your intuition, analyze which one matches your energy.
If you select a crystal for personal usage, you may also analyze what energy the chosen crystal projects. Also, you can read what for each crystal is the best and, based on your needs and preferences, choose it, as spiritual protection. For example, if you need a shield from emotional negativity, obsidian is the best. If you want to conduct crystal readings and need a crystal that could help you concentrate, select a clear quartz.
Techniques used by crystal psychics
- The first one is an intuitive selection. You have crystals of different shapes and colors in front of you. Relying on your intuition and the sixth sense, you select a crystal that represents your soul and inner state. Every crystal bears its own energy and meaning. Thus, by choosing a particular crystal, you may learn the answer to the question you were focusing on while selecting. For example, you were wondering how to increase your income and chose a golden citrine that symbolizes creativity. It means that beginning creative projects can be a way to raise your income.
- The second method is drawing a crystal from a bag. It’s slightly similar to the first one. However, this type implies relying on your touch rather than sight intuition. With both of these methods, you can select from 3 to 5 stones for answering your question.
- Another way for such sessions is crystal ball screening which is the most popular. Even TV and mass media often show this type of reading. It involves a massive crystal, usually of a round shape, with a cloth underneath. A crystal reader, focused on the question, attentively looks at the stone until he or she begins seeing shapes, images, etc., that may be an answer to the given questions. This reading method requires advanced skills and enough experience from a practitioner. Many online experts use crystal ball screening for spiritual sessions.
- One more method involves not actual crystals, but crystal oracle cards. Such decks are crystal or gemstone themed. A reader shuffles the cards and selects from 1 to 3, focusing on the questions you gave. By decoding the meaning of every crystal card, your practitioner can show you the existing obstacles in your current life and tell you what you need to do to overcome them.
- Crystal healing fits offline spiritual sessions. This method implies putting crystals on the body of a client. In this case, crystals surround a person with healing energy. An expert selects crystals based on their characteristics and the client’s inquiry. Usually, the list of crystals for healing consists of rose quartz, tiger eye, and amethyst. Rose quartz boasts love and forgiveness energies for those who need positive emotions and want to get rid of hate and other negative sides. Tiger eye gives strength and courage to people seeking the power to start new projects or go out of their comfort zone. Amethyst, which brings peace and raises intuition.
Thus, there are various ways to conduct a crystal reading. Only skilled readers have the power to hold advanced forms of crystal readings. Other sessions may fit even those who have just been immersed in spiritual practices.
Best crystals for readings
There are many other types of crystals, which may be helpful for spiritual sessions. Below, we present some of the best crystals for tarot readings, with short descriptions of their characteristics.

This stone is also called a supreme nurturer. It suits the best for strengthening a body on a physical level and providing support on an emotional level on stressful days.
Rose Quartz
Some sources claim that rose quartz was exploited for the first time back in 7000 B.C. However, it was used not with a psychic but a cosmetic purpose: women of Ancient Egypt and Rome made face masks of it. Rose quartz may fit love and relationship readings since this pink stone fills your heart with empathy and compassion. Rose quartz is also a wise decision for an amulet because it heals heartache. The healing features of rose quartz include the strong vibrations of positive emotions and joy.
This deep purple stone is excellent for crystal readings because its color is connected with Crown Chakras and the Third eye. Reiki practitioners, crystal healers, and even some medicine practitioners exploit amethyst for various health claims. Thus, this crystal may have an improving influence on the immune and endocrine systems.
Amethyst helps dispose of negative thoughts and provides the strength and clarity necessary for spiritual sessions. Besides, it can protect from insomnia.
A deep blue gemstone can become an excellent psychic aid for spiritual readings. It’s believed that azurite increases the vibrations needed for psychics to conduct sessions. This stone empowers the body and mental abilities.
Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline belongs to the Tourmaline family and consists of Sodium, Iron, Aluminum, Borate, and Silicate. The first trace of a black tourmaline dates back to the 14-15 centuries. It’s a great shield from negative energies that may hinder a crystal reading process. This stone can eliminate any fear or anxiety to provide a successful, meaningful session.
Clear Quartz
The transparency and colorlessness of this crystal ensure opening doors to all chakras and covering different aspects of life that need answers. Being simple, clear quartz helps concentrate on the questions and see images without distortions.
White with little black spots, a moonstone truly represents its origin. Moonstones help with new beginnings, finding insights, and inner peace. Besides, these crystals activate the inspiration powers, which help readers answer the questions from clients.
This orange-and-yellow crystal that belongs to quartz, namely, mineral class, has been in usage since 300 B.C. The hexagonal crystal system and the iron make citrine look like a cloudy Sun. This stone of summer radiates joy and prosperity. Besides, it inspires clarity and positive waves necessary for clear reasoning, which, in turn, stimulates psychic powers for crystal readings.
This heavenly blue stone suits its name because such colors remind it of celestial energies. Celestite is a provider of truth and openness that help to establish a connection between a reader and celestial objects for finding enlightenment.
This gemstone is a great energy field protector that doesn’t allow negative vibrations to enter your inner world. Besides, it provides guidance for transformations in various life spheres.
This crystal of volcanic origin has been around since the Stone Age. It has a glassy texture and is usually a black color. However, you may also come across gold, snowflake-like, or mahogany obsidian. This crystal has long been used as a spiritual tool since its origin made it possess various cosmic features. The darkness of obsidians is a powerful shield against dark energies. It sends to its owner good life waves and healing power.
A crystal reading session includes several stages. Firstly, it implies identifying the reading purpose of a customer, namely, the life sphere, specific questions, etc.
Secondly, it’s a stone analysis for finding out what crystal faces the client’s intentions. Then, the process of crystal readings involves studying the potential of a person and identifying the behavior and other patterns that stop a client from growing. The final stage is setting a plan for resolving a problem that tortures a customer. Thus, the whole session may last from 60 to 80 minutes.
Although both reading types aim at helping people and providing them with spiritual enlightenment, they may differ in their purposes. Thus, a crystal reading focuses more on giving answers concerning the situations that are happening now. Crystals illustrate present-day and current issues. A psychic reading, in contrast, concentrates on the future. Psychic readers predict upcoming events and their outcomes.
In addition, crystal readings involve crystals that protect a client from negative energies, which is not typical for psychic readings.
When you select a crystal for psychic readings, you will feel a vibration while looking at or touching a chosen stone. The best crystal will attract your attention somehow. Maybe you will immediately like the deep dark color of a black tourmaline or the smooth surface of jasper.
In addition, you can select a crystal according to your needs. Since some crystals suit for protection from dark powers and others may be effective for love affairs, you need to consider their features that will fit your requirements.
A single crystal can provide excellent protection and energy supply for your soul. Imagine what a combination of crystals can do! The best number of crystals you may start implementing in your life is 5. However, you should remember that these crystals should match your purpose. Also, if you plan to use them as amulets, remember that their energies should match each other to make a perfect combination.
A crystal possesses spiritual energies that can guide a psychic to the hidden truth. Professional online crystal readers can explain what is going on now in your life that you may not notice.
Virtual experts know how to read crystals and can answer the most teasing questions. Ordering this service online is even more profitable than addressing a traditional psychic. This way is more affordable, fast to buy, and safer because you can check reviews on a source and a crystal reader on the Internet.

He is the founder of The Allender Center and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, which prepared mental health professionals and helped hundreds of lives to heal their traumas.
Now Dan is working as a spiritual specialist at PsychicHouseOfMagic.