Breakups can be life-changing, often sad, events, triggering a whirlwind of emotions. Grief, sadness, anger, confusion, and even relief can surge through us in unpredictable waves.
However, sometimes, a breakup is what we need to move further. But what to do if you are the only one who wants it? What if you don’t want to be an initiator and don’t want to hurt another person? There is a solution to this dilemma: breakup spells, types of magical rituals that help create a separation between two people. Often, this separation is the end of a romantic relationship, although some people perform it to end friendships or “freeze” current relationships.
Some people resort to breakup spells to ruin someone’s relationships, though. Such dark magic rituals are not only unethical but also dangerous since they can have a lot of negative consequences for a spell-caster.
But for those seeking the end of their own relationship, willing not to hurt someone’s feelings, these spells can be a salvation. Do you want to try it? We will show you how.
Things you will need to cast a breakup spell
You might think that voodoo dolls are connected with dark magic only. But we assure you that they are used not only for dark rituals. Voodoo dolls are also an integral part of white magic, being often a center of innocent spells like the one you will discover today. How to make your partner forget you with the help of a voodoo breakup spell? First, gather materials.
- Two dolls representing you and your partner, tied together.
- Scissors.
- Herbs or essential oils with a calming scent.
- A white candle.
- Pen and paper.
Tips for casting a breakup spell
- The very first thing you should do is prepare the place of the ritual. You should select a spot with dark lighting. Also, for the spell, you need to think of the right timing. The old moon, symbolizing the end, is the best.
- Then, light white candles, which color symbolizes the pure intentions of your spell. You can also put oils or herbs around the candles—their soothing smell will bring peace of mind to the spell-target.
- The next step is to write down your wishes on a piece of paper. It can be very simple, for example, “Let it go!”
- Then, once you finish writing, pick up the dolls. Concentrate and imagine yourself and your significant one breaking up on a positive note. Cut the threads that tie the dolls with scissors, and attach the incantation sheet to the doll symbolizing your partner.
- You need to repeat your wish three times and blow out the candles after this—it will symbolize the end of the ritual.
The risks involved with a breakup spell

Firstly, negative intentions can sometimes backfire, affecting you or your future relationships. You should be aware of your own feelings before casting such a ritual because karma is the most common result of bad-intentioned chants.
Another risk is not much connected with karma and ritual performing, although it’s also worth mentioning: a word can spread really quickly, people! If your enemies (and frenemies!) know about your magic intentions, they can spoil your reputation by spreading rumors about it, which, in turn, can impact your social and professional life. That’s why you need to check carefully who you share your spell-casting plans with.
Firstly, negative intentions can sometimes backfire, affecting you or your future relationships. You should be aware of your own feelings before casting such a ritual because karma is the most common result of bad-intentioned chants.
Another risk is not much connected with karma and ritual performing, although it’s also worth mentioning: a word can spread really quickly, people! If your enemies (and frenemies!) know about your magic intentions, they can spoil your reputation by spreading rumors about it, which, in turn, can impact your social and professional life. That’s why you need to check carefully who you share your spell-casting plans with.
Best services to find a skilled love spell caster
Although you can always try performing this ritual on your own, we recommend asking a professional spellcaster for help since they know how to do it without causing any negative consequences. Your partner deserves relief and healing, not emptiness and loneliness, which might happen if you perform a breakup spell incorrectly.
Check top spiritual sites with skilled yet affordable spellcasters ready to help you with your love problem.
Sometimes, it’s hard to tell your partner you wish for a breakup, especially when you know it will hurt them. A breakup spell can ease the pain your partner might feel and help both of you move further.
Be kind and pure about your desires, and the white magic will help you start a new life page.
Attempting to interfere in someone else’s relationship using magic, such as a breakup spell, can have serious emotional consequences. You MUST respect the feelings and choices of other people. If you are not ready for karma, don’t tease it.
If your desire is pure, and you simply don’t want the person to suffer, you can absolutely try it. However, it’s always better to allow time and space for healing naturally.
Using magic to change your emotions and memories has unpredictable and even negative consequences. You might “forget” how to love someone. Or you might “forget” the lessons you learned from this experience, which can stop your personal growth.
Black magic is connected with bad intentions. So, if you try a white magic breakup spell like the one we introduced today but use it to manipulate others’ relationships, you can turn it into black magic. So, be careful with your desires.
People resort to breakup spell magic for different reasons: for example, emotional incompatibility with a partner, jealousy, desire for revenge, or a wish to end toxic relationships. The spell might belong to a white or dark magic category, depending on the reason. Dark magic has negative consequences, so if you resort to such rituals, be ready.