Feeling energetic and eager to discover the world is essential if you wish to pursue a healthy lifestyle. But what to do if you feel your own body and even thoughts are undergoing deteriorating changes, although nothing bad didn’t happen to you? Probably, it’s a sign you need energy chakra healing therapy. Below, you will find the core info about chakras and discover services for chakra cleansing and balancing.
What is a Chakra Healing?
Before learning about chackra clearing, you should understand what chakras mean. In a spiritual circle, chakras are energy centers located in our bodies. Some people prefer to call them energy wheels since the word chakra, in Sanskrit, means “wheel.”
Usually, spiritual followers define seven chakras based on a Hinduism belief, although in Buddhism, there are only four basic chakra wheels.
What are the seven chakras? Here is the list.

- Muladhara, Root Chakra
- Svadhisthana, Sacral Chakra
- Manipura, Navel Chakra
- Anahata, Heart Chakra
- Vishuddha, Throat Chakra
- Ajna, Third Eye Chakra
- Sahasrara, Crown Chakra
Each chakra is responsible for a specific part of our life. Their state is closely connected with how we feel and interact with the world.
Chakra energy healing is a spiritual therapy aimed at balancing, opening, and cleansing energy wheels because chakras, like any part of a mechanism — the human body, can also be negatively affected. A professional chakra healer not only helps with improving the chakras’ states but also assists in rediscovering your inner world and potential.
Best Online Chakra Healing Services
If you feel your body, mind, and spirit need healing and are ready for quality transformative shifts, you should approach chakra clearing and balancing companies. On the following websites, you will find talented chakra healers who will guide you on your uplift journey.
Signs of Blocked Energy at Each Chakra
Each energy center in our body can undergo negative changes, such as blockage, dis-balance, etc. If one of our chakras suffers, we may feel emotionally drained or even face health problems. If one wheel is broken, the whole mechanism will be shattered.
However, each chakra has specific signs of a blocked state. If you learn these signs, you will be able to identify the imbalanced chakra easily.
Root Chakra
Since this chakra is located in the tailbone area, the first physical signs of its disbalance are problems with the legs (especially knee pain) and the male reproductive system. In everyday life, blocked root chakra manifests itself in issues with basic needs, such as finances, food, and accommodation.
Sacral Chakra
Physically, the closed sacral chakra shows itself in urinary dysfunctions, low back pain, or even kidney problems.
Since the sacral chakra is closely connected with our sexuality and emotions, its imbalanced state can be observed in your struggles to establish relationships and express your actual needs and emotions.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar plexus chakra is associated with self-acceptance. If this energy center suffers, you will have low self-esteem. Most likely, you will start to criticize yourself a lot for any minor failures.
On a physical level, digestive problems and high blood pressure will arise.
Heart Chakra
The first organ that suffers when a heart chakra gets blocked is your heart. Besides, you can also experience problems with the lymphatic system and feel pain in your chest.
Emotionally, people with a closed heart energy center become too jealous and angry. They can also feel abandoned, thinking no one cares about them.
Throat Chakra
Often, physical issues caused by the imbalanced throat chakra include various facial problems and diseases connected with the thyroid.
Meanwhile, in everyday life, individuals with closed-throat energy wheels feel the fear of self-expression.
Third Eye Chakra
Since this chakra is located in the forehead zone, physically, it shows its dis-balance in vision and hearing loss or other problems. Usually, headaches are the most common sign of a closed third eye chakra.
Emotionally, people with such a closed energy center may have exaggerated imaginations, which stops them from being involved in the real world.
Crown Chakra
Depression and high sensitivity to the surrounding sounds and colors, especially bright ones, describe the physical signs of the blocked crown chakra.
While on an emotional level, chakra healers say, it manifests itself in prejudices and too much analyzing.
How to Cleanse Chakra: 7 Best Ways
If you feel run-down and want to try chakra healing, you should consider the following techniques, which boost the inner energy flow and make your vibrations more balanced.
Nature is the source
Chakra cleansing is closely connected with the power of nature since every energy center corresponds to a specific element. If you know that a chakra or chakras are undergoing negative impacts, the best way to cleanse them is to connect their natural symbols.
- The Root Chakra — earth. Gardening, lying on freshly cut grass, etc., are the best way to reach the ground chakra balance.
- The Sacral Chakra — water. Spend some time near the stream, river, lake, or sea/ocean, and you will feel the energy flow coming back to you.
- The Solar Plexus Chakra — fire. Perhaps this is high time for you to recall how to make campfires.
- The Heart Chakra — air. You can uplift the state of your heart chakra by being in the fresh air and feeling the breath of the winds.
- The Throat Chakra – ether. Going cloud or peering into the void is the best way to activate the throat chakra.
- The Third Eye chakra — light. Go into the sun and absorb its energy!
- The Crown Chakra – a pure spirit that doesn’t correspond to any elements. You need to look into yourself to balance this chakra.
Chakra colors
Since every chakra is connected to a specific aura layer that has its color, it’s crucial to see these colors around you. It boosts the activity of energy centers. You may say that your chakras get “inspired” by such a surrounding.
Detox your mind from negative thoughts
You should practice speaking to yourself kindly. Such small affirmations should be followed with a smile and a belief in what you say about yourself. You can try saying such things based on the features of an unbalanced chakra. For example, if your root chakra needs healing (and you know that this energy wheel is associated with security and stability), you can try repeating the phrases “I am strong” and “I am safe.”
Yoga is not only a healthy physical practice to train your body. It also assists in chakra balancing and cleansing. There are even yoga poses designed for all seven chakras! Here are some of them.

- Root Chakra — Warrior Pose
- Sacral Chakra — Chair Pose
- Solar Plexus Chakra — Crane Pose
- Heart Chakra — Camel Pose
- Throat Chakra — Halasan Pose
- Third Eye Chakra — Arm Balancing Pose
- Crown Chakra — Meditation Pose
Your food color also matters
Although it may sound ridiculous, the color of the food you consume can also stimulate the uplift of the chakras state. However, we insist on choosing organic food, not fast food.
Essential oils in the air
Aromatherapy is an integral part of chakra balancing/healing. You can try to put a few drops of your favorite aroma oil in the diffuser and leave it for several hours in the room. Inhale the smell to feel reconnected with your chakras.
Sound healing
Various sounds and melodies can positively affect your energy centers. Usually, people try white sounds, meditation melodies on YouTube, or nature sounds, such as birds singing, rain, thunder, etc.
The most common signs include depressive states, health deterioration, low self-esteem, and energy. However, each chakra has its distinctive features. You can read our guide or browse other Internet resources for more details. Knowing the signs of disbalance or blockage for each chakra accelerates your chances of successful spiritual recovery.
Applying for a chakra session with an experienced healer is the surest way to get a profitable and quick result. However, there are several chakra healing and balancing practices to try on your own: meditation, sound & aroma therapies, wearing protective crystals, daily affirmations, and so on.
Relief and the flow of positive energy are sure signs that your chakras start healing. However, if you were in an unbalanced state for a long time, you may feel discomfort at first because your brain is used to the state of constant exhaustion and stress.
All chakra spiritual healing methods are effective. However, the progress will depend on the skills of your advisor and whether you even believe in a chosen psychic technique. The most common methods are Reiki, Sound & Aromatherapy, and crystal readings.
If you feel more comfortable talking to a healer face-to-face, you can try offline consultations. However, both virtual and conventional chakra-clearing sessions are workable.
Your medical insurance doesn’t cover the visits to a spiritual chakra healing practitioner since this is an alternative medicine that not all institutions recognize. In terms of the price, online chakra-clearing sessions cost $4-$9 for one minute.
Chakra healing is not magic. It’s a practice that helps you recover spiritually from various wounds. This therapy is available to order at the numerous virtual services and won’t cost you a fortune. Although chakra healing sessions are not a remedy for all problems, it’s still an effective method to fight inner demons which suck out your sources.

He is the founder of The Allender Center and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, which prepared mental health professionals and helped hundreds of lives to heal their traumas.
Now Dan is working as a spiritual specialist at PsychicHouseOfMagic.