Before we get into obsession spells, we have to warn you: these are one of the most powerful love spells around. They make the target crave your attention day and night. So, how do you determine if you need to cast an obsession spell on your partner?
- You want them to share their secrets with you.
- You want them to forget all their exes.
- You want them to marry you.
- You want them to trust you completely.
- You want them to call you theirs.
In simple terms, you are going to hypnotize your target into believing you are the only one that can make them happy. If done right, the spell will have an immediate effect. And the best part? Your partner will never cheat on you, because now, you are the only person in the world that they desire.
Things you will need to cast an obsession spell ❤️🔥
Spell to make them CRAZY obsessed with you
- 2 red candles
- 2 red roses
- 1 stone or crystal (pick one you like most)
- Thread
- Place 2 candles and 2 roses on the corners of your room. You should create a square.
- Put the stone in the center of the square.
- Walk around the space to create a ritual circle. Touch each element.
- Light the candles and sit in the center of the room. Each corner will represent directions—north, east, south, and west.
- Call the spirits and say these words: Spirits from here, spirits from there, spirits from all over, come to help, come into the mind of (your lover’s name) and let them think of me, make them obsess with me, every thought is about me.
- Take the thread and wrap it around your right index finger. As you wrap the thread, think about your lover. Say these words: Let your mind wrap around my fingers, let me enter your deepest thoughts, let me play with you, this is my will. So mote it be.
- Thank the spirits. Wait until the candles burn out. As you watch them, think about your lover. Once the spell is completed, put the remains of the candles away from your home.
Tips for casting an obsession spell

Channel pure intentions. Obsession spells are linked with manipulating someone’s mind, making them fixated on you. Instead of thinking how to bend your lover to your will as quickly as possible, think of your happiness together.
Respect your lover’s choices. If you know that the other side is not ready for a relationship, do not rob them of their free will by casting an obsession spell. Wait until you become more intimate to make the spell effective.
Cast the spell in secret. Even your best friend shouldn’t know the details of your love spell rituals and the outcome of the spells that you performed. This is between you and the spirits helping you cast the spell.
Channel pure intentions. Obsession spells are linked with manipulating someone’s mind, making them fixated on you. Instead of thinking how to bend your lover to your will as quickly as possible, think of your happiness together.
Respect your lover’s choices. If you know that the other side is not ready for a relationship, do not rob them of their free will by casting an obsession spell. Wait until you become more intimate to make the spell effective.
Cast the spell in secret. Even your best friend shouldn’t know the details of your love spell rituals and the outcome of the spells that you performed. This is between you and the spirits helping you cast the spell.
The risks involved with an obsession spell
- Making the target dependent on you. A powerful obsession spell can change your lover’s thoughts and feelings, making them fixated on pleasing you. This creates an unhealthy attachment and a potential danger of your lover becoming your toy.
- Crossing ethical boundaries. Your target may become so obsessed with you that they can turn into your stalker, which may lead to violence and negativity on both sides. Think about the power of the spell that you invoke and whether the target is strong enough to endure it.
- Affecting your lover’s well-being. If someone is under the influence of an obsession spell for a very long time, they can start feeling depressed or frustrated without knowing the reason. This is because you are literally doing mind control on them without their permission.
Best services to find a skilled love caster
We are ready to present you with a list of top psychic websites where you can find a skilled love caster that can offer you instant solutions for your love life.
Do you feel like you need your partner around 24/7? If this is the case, an obsession spell may solve 100% of your problems. It makes your lover see you as the center of the Universe. In simple words, your target will be convinced that you are the only source of excitement and happiness that they have. However, strong obsession spells can make your partner forget about their family, friends, and hobbies when they are around you, so you have to be careful not to overuse the spell. A talented spellcaster will help you do an obsession spell that doesn’t backfire.
An obsession spell is a spell designed to make your lover crazy about you. It also has the power to make your ex come back and convince your partner that you are their only source of happiness.
An obsession spell is impossible to perform without manipulation. You are playing tricks on your lover’s mind by making them believe they only need you to be happy. In a way, obsession spells can be risky as they may take the other person’s will for good.
Yes! An obsession spell that is done responsibly can strengthen your bond as a couple and create a relationship based on love and understanding. However, this can only be achieved if the obsession spell is performed with pure intentions.
If you are a gifted practitioner and have done the ritual before, an obsession spell is a safe experience that brings zero damage to parties. However, the same cannot be said about amateur spellcasters that may disrupt the spell.
If you have never dabbled in magic and have a vague idea of what an obsession spell is, it is always better to consult a professional spellcaster. Otherwise, you may run into unexpected consequences of the spell if it is performed incorrectly.