The black aura is one of the few auras on the planet characterized negatively. However, people with a dark aura don’t have to fall into the bottomless pit of despair—having a dark energy field doesn’t mean that an individual is bad to the bone. In fact, the black aura meaning can be interpreted as someone having a severe emotional imbalance causing the personal energy field to darken.
A black aura can also be a sign you are carrying a lot of unresolved emotional baggage or experiencing high levels of stress. Another interpretation of a black aura meaning suggests that the darkening of the aura is directly related to the person’s inability to forgive themselves or those around them. A prolonged illness or poor mental health can also be a cause of energy fields becoming murky. A black aura usually indicates exhaustion and can only be treated with energy healing.

As a psychic advisor, I have encountered individuals with a black aura, which is often a sign of negative energy or trauma. A black aura can indicate feelings of anger, resentment, and deep emotional pain. It can also be a sign of attachment to negative energies or entities. While a black aura may seem concerning, it is important to remember that it is not permanent, and with the right guidance and healing, it is possible to overcome these negative energies and find a path to positivity and healing. As a psychic advisor, I work to help individuals with a black aura understand their emotions and overcome any obstacles standing in the way of their spiritual and emotional well-being.
As a psychic advisor, I have encountered individuals with a black aura, which is often a sign of negative energy or trauma. A black aura can indicate feelings of anger, resentment, and deep emotional pain. It can also be a sign of attachment to negative energies or entities. While a black aura may seem concerning, it is important to remember that it is not permanent, and with the right guidance and healing, it is possible to overcome these negative energies and find a path to positivity and healing. As a psychic advisor, I work to help individuals with a black aura understand their emotions and overcome any obstacles standing in the way of their spiritual and emotional well-being.

What is an aura?
Every living, breathing thing on the face of Earth (including the planet itself) has an aura that surrounds them at all times. So, what is an aura in a nutshell? Most psychics define aura as an energy field that envelopes your body and acts as a magnet for emotions and energies that whirl around you in a state of constant motion. Typically, auras come in different colors and can determine your emotional state at a given time. Positive energies can alter aura color to a lighter one, while negative emotions darken the aura.
It is impossible to ignore the effects of the aura on an individual, as it tends to impact one’s entire approach to life, personality, and relationships. Different colors of the aura bear different meanings and can be explored by a professional aura reader to find the best interpretation for a variety of hues an aura can take throughout life. It is said that a human aura is never constant: it is always fluctuating, shifting, and evolving. Although the psychics agree that aura colors can change, colors that dominate your energy field should be considered the primary colors of the aura.
Characteristics of black aura
The black aura meaning can be divided into separate categories, and individuals that tend to harbor a static energy field in black will exhibit certain traits that are characteristic of the black aura:
- Black aura that is shifting. Going from dark gray to charcoal, this type of black aura denotes a personality suffering from prolonged stress or exhaustion.
- Black aura that is murky. An obscure, murky color of the black aura suggests that a person may hold grudges and is reluctant to let go of negative emotions.
- Black aura with lighter edges. A lighter tone at the edge of the black aura denotes an individual temporarily affected by depression.
- Solid black aura. An aura that is pure black has a negative connotation, either representing a serious personality disorder or an individual carrying a lot of unresolved anger and frustration.
What does your black aura say about you?

First things first, having a black aura does not mean an individual is emanating negative energy only. Whenever someone experiences a low vibrational energy shift, they are not capable of emitting the same amount of energy they usually do. Therefore, their auras can become colorless with a reduced energy level. Some psychics state that going through periods of uncertainty or emotional angst can turn one’s aura black temporarily. Breakups, stress, and life issues are the factors contributing to the dark aura color.
The Benefits & Challenges of Having Black Auras in Your Life
Benefits | Challenges |
A sense of mystery and depth that can attract people to you. | A tendency towards pessimism and cynicism, leading to negative thinking patterns. |
The ability to absorb negative energy from others and transform it into positive energy. | Difficulty trusting others, potentially leading to isolation or loneliness. |
The potential to have a strong sense of self-awareness and personal power. |
Love and relationships for black auras
People with a black aura can often feel depressed or stuck in a relationship with someone that does not provide enough emotional growth. Due to their closed-off nature, they can get detached from the process of communicating with their partner, thus creating low vibrations and further darkening their aura. Black aura individuals often seek problematic relationships: they are addicted to profound highs and lows that come with a partnership where two individuals are constantly fighting for dominance and superiority.
Black auras in the workplace, career, and professionalism
Those who happen to have a black aura are great at being the company’s managers and planners. Due to their organizational skills and strict understanding of the work hierarchy, they can excel at assisting heads of companies with projects and social events. The black color of the aura lends them energy to obtain high positions in the office, albeit their reputation is not always an unblemished one.
Black aura individuals are also characterized by extreme enthusiasm and passion for what they do. Their colleagues will know them as committed workaholics that dedicate a massive chunk of their time to climbing the career ladder and staying at work until the clock strikes midnight. Driven and ambitious, black aura people are best suited for jobs that involve dealing with the law, finance, and marketing. They can also make excellent producers that will stop at nothing to get a needed promotion.
Different shades of black aura
Auras are generally classified as having average coloring, scattered coloring, radiant coloring, or cloudy colors. The cloudy color of the aura has more darkness than radiance and is also referred to as a black aura energy field. Aura can become a dark one once emotions such as anxiety, depression, assertiveness, bossiness, or fear settle in. A black aura that is mixed with gray typically belongs to someone suffering from long-term panic attacks and is prone to emotional outbursts. A black aura with no light tones represents a conglomeration of negative emotions stemming from breakup, separation, divorce, or severe emotional or childhood trauma. A black aura that is mixed with lighter colors suggests an accumulation of conflicting emotions causing the person to experience extensive mood swings and act impulsively.
How to find and read your aura?
According to aura reading experts, humans are born with the ability to read each other’s auras but will gradually lose this innate talent as the voices of the world tune it out. However, there are still individuals out there who possess the skills to determine the color of people’s auras by looking at them.
The best way to find and read your aura is to start meditating and perfecting your observational skills as you study the world around you with all its variety of colors, shades, and tones. You can start practicing as you go to a white wall and put a hand in front of your face. With your fingers splayed wide, look between them and try to unfocus your stare. The blurry line you will see after a couple of minutes is the first layer of your aura. Please note that the colors of your energy field may shift, causing the effect of the rainbow aura, which indicates you are experiencing a vast spectrum of emotions.
FAQ about black aura color meaning
A black aura is believed to be a sign of negative energy, often associated with fear, anger, or depression. It can also be an indication of illness or injury. People with a black aura are often seen as closed off, unapproachable, and may struggle with emotional or mental health issues.
Identifying a black aura can be challenging, as it is not visible to the naked eye. However, some people may be able to sense negative energy or pick up on subtle cues such as body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions. You can also try psychic reading session with an aura specialist.
People with a black aura may exhibit traits such as isolation, negativity, and a lack of empathy. They may struggle with emotional regulation and have difficulty connecting with others on a deeper level.
A person’s environment and emotional state can have a significant impact on the color of their aura. Positive emotions such as love, joy, and peace are associated with brighter colors such as pink, green, or blue, while negative emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness are associated with darker colors such as black, brown, or gray.
While a black aura is generally associated with negative energy, it can have a positive connotation in some situations. For example, a black aura may indicate strength, resilience, or the ability to overcome adversity.
There is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of auras or their colors. However, many people believe in their existence and find them to be a helpful tool for personal growth and self-awareness.
Understanding the presence of a black aura can be a starting point for personal growth and healing. Working with a therapist or spiritual advisor can help people address the underlying emotional or mental health issues that may be contributing to negative energy. Additionally, practicing self-care, mindfulness, and positive affirmations can help improve overall well-being.
There is no concrete evidence that any famous people or historical figures had a black aura. However, some people speculate that individuals such as Adolf Hitler or Ted Bundy may have had a black aura due to their negative actions and behavior.
Some people believe that certain crystals, stones or oils can help promote positive energy and emotional healing. Some examples include black tourmaline, obsidian, or frankincense essential oil.