If you know the meaning of numerology and karmic numbers, you will not be surprised when you discover that karmic debt is real. If you ever heard the phrase “you cannot escape karma,” you know that your past life experience plays a key role in defining your current actions. As it transcends lifetimes, we are faced with the problem of having major karmic debts. It can be reflected in the toxic cycle of interpersonal relationships and challenging tasks that you are going through. A karmic debt calculator that so many psychics talk about can help you break the vicious circle that you are in and provide empowerment for those who are struggling to make sense of their karmic troubles.
What is karmic debt?
As we navigate the hardships of life, it is not uncommon for us to start wondering: what is karmic debt and what can we do to minimize it throughout our lifetime? Generally, karmic debt is referred to as something that happened to us in a past life that we are destined to repeat until we’ve learned our lesson. Karmic debt meaning can be compared to making amends for our deeds and mastering our imperfections.
That being said, it is delusional to think that having karmic debt removes the possibility of living a fulfilled life. On the contrary, your karmic debt meaning does not equal the end of the world. Human beings that dwell here on Earth have karma they need to deal with, but the feelings of anger, jealousy, and shame can cause our growth to stagnate. To make sure that the karmic payment process runs smoothly, we have to analyze how we, as spiritual beings, can act in order to inspire love and attention. If you have no desire to repeat your past misdeeds and wish to correct the mistakes from previous lives, it is important to cut off your karmic debt completely.
7 signs you have karmic debt
Without knowing the telltale signs of karmic debt, it is almost impossible to live a life that is free from emotional burdens and constant stress. We are determined to help you define the karmic patterns in your life and recognize your karmic debts instantly. From now on, you will be confident in avoiding roadblocks on your way to success and staying aligned with your karmic timing. So, what is a karmic debt and what are the most apparent signs of having one?

You were in a karmic relationship
In a way, karmic relationships exist to remind us of the lessons that we need to be taught repeatedly. If you find yourself forming an intimate bond with someone toxic, unstable, or bringing out your worst fears and insecurities, this could be a part of the karma debt that needs to be repaid through a very close connection. Another clear sign of being indebted to your karma is entering a relationship that seems to trigger all your past pains. Although karmic debts can be repaid through a romantic connection, they can also show up within families, business partners, and friendly circles. This indicates that you and your partner have previously agreed to meet in this incarnation to work through your problems as a couple. We have to remember that all karmic love affairs have a purpose and can help us release tensions so we have better control of our everyday lives.
You notice repeating karmic patterns
Another sign of karmic debt that all of us need to make amends for is the repeating nature of our behaviors. Sometimes, you may experience the feeling of uneasiness as if you are stuck in a loop with no way out. Your thoughts are running around in circles and your addictions have seized control of your life. If you are locked in a pattern of limiting beliefs that prevent you from realizing your full potential, we can concur that your emotions have nothing to do with your actions in this lifetime. Going back to your previous life experience and rationalizing your fears and doubts would be the best way to approach the problem. For each of us, such patterns and mentalities can manifest in different ways. Some of us have a fear of heights, while others are repelled by sour foods for no particular reason.
You have family karma
Karmic debts can also appear in the form of ancestral or hereditary karma. It also implies the presence of a karmic cycle that can be passed on from one generation to the next. While you are learning how to live a content life in this lifetime, the karma of your ancestors may tell you that it is your responsibility to be separated from a set of beliefs that determine your past, present, and future.
There are psychics who place enormous meaning on the concept of ancestral karma, as breaking the cycle will help your bloodline to heal successfully. For example, if all the women in your bloodline were inclined to stay at home and take care of the family, it could be your mission to pursue your career goals and become the most ambitious family member, thus fulfilling your calling and getting rid of your karmic debt.
You learn your lessons
In a karmic debt situation, you will find yourself going through several life lessons that are turbulent at best and traumatizing at worst. You might have been wondering why the oddest things happen to you in this lifetime and why your subconscious keeps pushing you to follow the same scenarios. If this is all too familiar, you have most likely felt the burden of the so-called karmic lessons. Even though such lessons are not typically registered by a conscious mind, your soul already knows how to deal with these pressing issues and intuitively finds the best way out of all predicaments that come your way. No matter how your scenario plays out this time, you have been signed up to repair the damage that was caused during your past lives.
You feel constant pressure
Facing karmic lessons and debts is not always a pleasant journey to a fulfilled life of wonders: you may occasionally experience pressure and go through a whirlwind of emotions, which constitute a part of your growth as an individual. If you’ve been asking yourself why you have to face punishments and life’s unfair treatment again and again, this might be the indication of your karmic debt not being cleared. If you can vividly remember the moments when you start thinking that things could not get any worse, this is most likely a sign that your karmic debts have to be repaid in full.
You have karmic patterns in your astrology chart
If you possess the less fortunate past-life karma, your karmic debt astrology chart may look a little complicated. For instance, Saturn influences may indicate a heavy debt that needs to be compensated by your actions in this lifetime. Following this logic, people with complex Saturn placements and planets that can be found in houses 12, 8, and 4 have to take a closer look at their South Node and North Node. The movement of the planets may determine their desire to break free from the chains of past life experiences and get liberated from their karma debt. In this case, Saturn may act as a planet that represents your karmic passions, attachments, and affairs that require repetition in order for the cycle to become complete.
You have karmic numbers in numerology
Those who are looking for a karmic debt number that can explain periods of stress and frustration in their lives may start exploring their karmic path a bit further by including numerology in their analysis. Karmic debt numbers that you need to remain on the lookout for as they are the most telling are 13, 14, 16, and 19. Karmic debt can also be associated with numbers 4, 5. 7, and 1. However, this doesn’t mean that all of us have a karmic burden to carry from a numerology point.
How to calculate your karmic debt
To calculate karmic debt number, you have to pay close attention to the five numbers that make up your numerology chart. If any of these numbers have a close correspondence with the karmic debt digits, this is a telltale sign you might be in for a challenging time. The simplest way to make proper calculations is by comparing your date of birth to the assigned karmic numbers. If you were born on a day that contains 13, 14, 16, or 19 in its date, you will most likely find yourself trapped by your karmic debt. For instance, if your birthdate is on the 19th of May, 19 will be the karmic debt number that you will have to work with.
You can also calculate karmic debt number as you base your calculations on the Life Path number. The Life Path number usually represents your most powerful traits and can help you become your most genuine self that puts their talents to good use and never loses faith. You need to add all of your birthday numbers so that you get a single digit number as a result of your calculations. By adding your birth year, birth month, and the day you were born, you can get down the necessary sum. Let’s say that you were born on the 2nd of October, 1990. Here is what your life path number would look like:
0 + 2 = 2
1 + 0 = 1
1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 19
Total sum: 2 + 1 + 19 = 22
22 is again broken down to reveal 2 numbers.
2 + 2 = 4
Therefore, your Life Path number is 4, with the karmic number that is associated with this digit being 13. This reveals that you indeed possess a great deal of karmic debts that have to be covered.
Popular karmic debt numbers
13. 13 is a number that is usually manifested in people who were focused on pursuing their selfish interests in one of the previous incarnations. Such individuals were often too irrational to critically assess the consequences of their actions and enjoyed exerting control or dominance over others. The karma debt that you are fated to pay is one of extreme responsibility and generosity.
14. Karmic debt numbers like 14 indicate a person who used to abuse their position in a social class system. They could not stay committed to others as they were corrupted by the authority bestowed on them. Their excesses and overindulgences led them to have a very tumultuous existence. In this lifetime, such people need to practice discipline, remain organized, and allow themselves to show kindness.
16. 16 is a number that is generally considered to be the most complicated among all karmic debt numbers. This is the reason so many people find it hard to avoid the implications that come with this digit. In your past life, you have been too self-centered to notice the needs of those around you and had a reputation of someone who breaks hearts, wins you over, and then moves on. Your lesson would be finding a better balance in your relationships with your closest circle and putting the needs of other people before your own.
19. The 19 karmic number denotes an individual who was too obsessed with gaining material possessions in one of their past lives to take note of other people’s suffering. You were focused on becoming rich and respected, often ignoring your intuition and sixth sense in favor of more superficial pursuits. To compensate for this during this lifetime, you have to dedicate your time and money to charity and perform regular donations to funds to clear out your karma.
How to repay or clear your karmic debt
Forget about what you’ve been told because clearing your karma is not always easy. According to numerology experts and psychics that have studied mastering your karmic responsibilities, repaying your karmic debts is not a process that can be completed within a week. You can’t change things overnight, but with a little patience, you can accept the fact that the process of clearing karma can be a long one. The best way to neutralize the effects of bad karma is to dedicate time to your everyday tasks and spiritual work. To accomplish this in a correct way, you have to reflect on the repetitive patterns in your personal life.
What triggers your anxiety and makes you nervous just thinking of it? If you are struggling to find your independence, you are probably dealing with the consequences of freedom-related karma. In this case, you need to learn how to care less about what other people think and focus on what needs to be done in order to become a self-made individual. The defining aspect here is removing all negative energy from your personal space. You can do this by choosing the spiritual practice that you resonate with most. This can be done once you have calculated your karmic debt number and accumulated some bonus points in your karma balance.
The mindset of being forever indebted to your past-life self needs to be left behind if you want to get ahead in this lifetime. To understand the core reasons why things are happening in the same, repetitive fashion, you have to analyze your previous experiences and accept the fact that our past incarnations can transcend multiple lifetimes. As you begin to analyze the details of your previous lives, you reveal the mysteries that are hiding behind the concept of karmic debt. Karmic debts are important to identify as they help invite new energy and become more conscious of our actions and deeds.
There are several ways to find out if you have any karmic debts: you feel like you are facing some kind of punishment all the time, your relationships resemble karmic ones, and you never know why you have to overcome challenges or why lessons you need to learn are so painful. You can also have karmic debt numbers in your numerology chart.
A karmic debt is something that needs to be repaid based on your combined experiences from all of your past lives, while a karmic lesson is what you learn once you’ve identified your karma and managed to overcome your debt by committing to spiritual work and thinking positively.
You have the power to take control of all the debts that have been left to you. The first step would be acting with good intentions, staying grateful, and keeping your impulses in check. Committing to spiritual practices may also help you understand the patterns in your behavior and become more accepting. Performing selfless acts of kindness allows you to leave the past behind once and for all.
Based on what the psychics have to say, you can easily have more than one debt that has to be balanced out in this lifetime. For example, your karmic debts might involve getting rid of the pattern of toxic relationships and gaining more financial independence. Each of these missions can relate to your actions in the previous lifetime.
A qualified spiritual advisor can help you gain insight into your past lives and provide recommendations on what you have to do to launch a healing process that will remove your karmic debts. It would be best to choose a psychic expert that specializes in karma lessons so you know that their tips are worth considering.