A karmic relationship is never easy. Some people find themselves dating their exact copy: their hobbies, tastes, and interests are projected onto another person with mutual benefit. However, things are not always peachy when you meet your karmic partner. A karmic partner meaning suggests that your relationship evolves out of issues that need immediate resolution. You can feel drawn to someone, but this is not a soulmate connection: your emotions are very intense and short-lived, like a thunderstorm that happens on a hot summer’s day.
Characterized by a roller coaster of feelings (extreme highs and lows), karmic relationships are meant to teach us a number of lessons. Karmic partners are not the ones that will make us happy, fulfilled, and content. You will most likely be scarred and burned by the excess of conflicting emotions that evoke old pains and make you face the shadow side of your personality. Psychic experts make it their goal to reiterate the meaning of a true karmic relationship: it may sometimes feel toxic, but it is also vital in dealing with our childhood traumas and inner wounds. If you feel like all these factors start to resonate with your current emotions, you are more than likely entering a karmic connection.

What is a karmic relationship?
What is a karmic relationship in spiritual terms? From a psychic point of view, you can refer to karmic love as the one that was predetermined before you were born. All karmic relationships are based on the idea of two souls that agree to meet each other once they enter life on Earth and are incarnated in physical bodies. The purpose of every karmic relationship is to heal each other’s negative experiences from past lives and balance your karma. Karmic connections are not only about love and control: your soul learns how to coexist with another human being, if only for a short time.
Generally, a karmic relationship meaning is that of a guiding compass towards a soulmate connection or a twin flame relationship. Its effects are highly impactful but temporary. What shocks people the most about the concept of a karmic partner is the fact that their intense romantic liaisons are doomed to end. It’s the constant push-and-pull dynamic that forces partners to get angry if things don’t go as planned. According to many spiritual teachers and mentors, no karmic relationship is long-lived: it is the kind of intimacy that implies you are going to separate eventually. There are signs that can tell you whether you are in a karmic relationship, and feeling permanently exhausted is one of them. If you can resonate with at least 5 signs you are in a karmic relationship, this means you are entering a life period of learning lessons and healing your karma.
15 signs you are in a karmic relationship
What is a karmic partner and how can you tell if you have one? Read on to find out if you already met your karmic soulmates and what needs to be done to navigate your relationship successfully:
Instant connection
A karmic relationship may feel like you have an instant obsession with your karmic lover. You may experience a once-in-a-lifetime sensation that can only be seen in movies or an undeniable hunch that the two of you are meant to be. Whatever it is, your chemistry is evident and palpable from the early stages of your relationship. Psychics are certain that your romantic passion can be explained by your connection from past lives. You are drawn to each other like magnets and can feel like your other half is meant to teach you an important lesson.
Life of drama
One of the obvious karmic relationship signs is the couple’s tendency to have lots of drama going on between them. On top of this predestined connection being highly intense, you and your partner will have a high level of emotional tension, which is a part of the classic hot-and-cold relationship cycle. One can argue that even the most stable partnerships have some degree of drama to keep things alive, but when it is your karmic connection that takes the reign, the amount of turbulence in your love life crosses all possible boundaries and makes you think of leaving the relationship or taking a serious break.
You make excuses
Whether it is your karmic partner interrupting your conversations or making you feel inadequate as you try to express your views and opinions, red flags in a karmic relationship are not unusual. If you find yourself constantly making excuses for your significant other’s unsettling behavior or toxic habits, this can be more than just a bumpy patch in your relationship pattern. Karmic partners are meant to give us a reason to analyze our own triggers and worries. The reason your partner might be the dominant one in your relationship may indicate a karmic partnership that is not going to last.
It is unstable
What is karmic relationship in terms of spirituality and psychic theories? It is a union of passion, with arguments and disputes becoming a habit between you and your partner. If you feel like your meeting was written in the stars but still cannot make the relationship work, this may be a sign of a karmic romance. If you experience severe mood swings in your attitude toward a karmic lover, you are most likely a part of the karmic relationship journey.
You are dependent
If you are looking for signs of a karmic relationship, one of the apparent ones is complete codependency in partnerships that contain two karmic lovers. This pattern may be manifested in two people being drawn to each other to the point of losing their identities and wanting to be perceived as one entity. A codependent connection can take various forms: wanting your partner to take responsibility for your peaceful existence, making them dominate mundane aspects of your life, or allowing them to spend hours by your side. It is essential to point out that any codependency signs are treated as unhealthy relationship archetypes that can lead to karmic complications.
The vibes are off
There is no doubt that every union, no matter how fleeting or unstable it is, has its own honeymoon phases and periods of absolute bliss. However, in the case of a karmic connection, you may feel a sudden lack of a fun aspect of your partnership. What is even more surprising, this doesn’t mean that a powerful bond between you and the said person will cease to exist. Psychics say that you will be able to draw a distinct difference between a partnership that outlived itself and an unmistakable feeling of a karmic burden.
You are your worst self
So, what is a karmic connection between people who bring out each other’s worst fears and doubts? It presents a challenge that is hard to overcome unless you’ve dealt with similar unresolved issues in your past. In a way, karmic unions can shed light on our most negative traits and features that we do not want to show to the general public. You may even reach a point where you don’t recognize yourself anymore, as you are consumed by jealousy, anger, and rage. This is the sole purpose of karmic love—destroying you from within so you can be reborn from the ashes.
Problems never end
Sometimes, meeting your karmic half can be compared to facing your own reflection in the mirror, with the same problems and challenges that would remain undisturbed if it were not for your soul partner. Those who feel drained by an existing relationship or have a haunting feeling that their emotions are short-lived may be consumed by the trap of a karmic partnership. More often than not, karmic partners share different goals and values, which leads to each party resenting the other.
You are never at peace
Because karmic bonds are so powerful, there are people who can never feel at ease with their partner. If the relationship is a healthy one, the partners may trust each other easily and lower their defenses gradually so they can know each other better. This does not happen in a karmic union: these people drag you down and force you to remain alert for the entire time that you are together. Even though you are attracted to your karmic lover, they always keep you on edge and full of anxiety.
Feelings are intense
There is a simple law that states: karmic soulmates are never destined to be together for all eternity. Someone who you perceive as your karmic lover is not a prince or a princess that can provide you with a fairytale storyline and make all of your wishes come true. Karmic love, despite myths and stereotypes accompanying this feeling, is rooted in the deep conflict between two parties and can never have a happy ending. Once you realize that you are doomed to experience heartbreak, you will have the courage to admit that this kind of connection is destructive by definition.
You notice repetition
If you start noticing that the nature of your connection becomes highly unpredictable, this might indicate a repetitive pattern, which is a clear sign of a karmic union. Such patterns reveal the underlying need of one of the partners to manipulate their significant other into doing what they want. Despite the negative connotations that are associated with this type of dynamic, it can also act as a life lesson that will allow you to move forward and grow as a person.
You lack energy
As a general rule, a karmic type of connection makes us feel exhausted, both on the mental and physical level. You might experience a complete absence of positive energy or feel like your disagreements have reached a critical point where the need to excuse your partner and rationalize their actions is long gone. If you find yourself completely worn out and acting like someone who has just suffered an attack from an energy vampire, there is a high chance that you might be in a karmic union.
You dread the outcome
Do you ever feel a weird array of emotions whenever you think about the future of your relationship? If this is the case, this might determine the nature of your love affair as highly mercurial and unpredictable. Karmic romance is often volatile and is never destined to last for more than a few years, as both of you are constantly fearful of what might await you in the nearest future. The same unease penetrates all aspects of your everyday life, making you plan an escape route and remain in complete denial as to what is really going on behind closed doors.
They are controlling
Some karmic lovers feel like they can exert complete control over their partners. This leads to outcomes that include one of the partners becoming mad with jealousy, consumed by anger, or feeling entitled to know every detail of their partner’s personal life. Combined with codependency, the controlling nature of one of the partners can explain their dominance in a relationship and the second partner’s unwillingness to take control of the situation. In this case, a karmic connection only makes things worse as the partners are unable to resolve their issues peacefully.
You learn a lesson
There are a number of lessons that can be learned from a deep dive into a karmic relationship, starting from your shadow self to less-than-positive aspects of your mindset. This type of connection makes us think about the steps that are necessary for personal healing, as well as problems that need to be solved during this lifetime for our next love affair to be healthy and mutually beneficial.

Signs of a karmic relationship can help you work through your unhealthy traits so you can be more patient and understanding when it comes to establishing your next partnership. The takeaway from the karmic connections is a simple one: they may be incredibly hard to accept since they are not supposed to bring us contentment in romantic pursuits. On the contrary, a true karmic relationship can be filled with unhealthy power dynamics, underhanded tactics, or a feeling of doom that haunts you during your time together. However, such relationships are necessary to identify your inner wounds and complete the healing process.
Karmic relationships are not meant to work in a regular sense—they are meant to teach us a series of lessons or help us on our path to self-development and spiritual growth, unlike soulmate connections and twin flame love affairs that can really feel like magic.
Karmic partners are destined to be together only for a short time. Your karmic lover is not someone that you will want to spend a lifetime with, as they are often controlling, abusive, and narcissistic, with a tendency to make you mad at the most unexpected moments.
Karmic relationships happen as a result of a contract between two souls that was made before they were incarnated on Earth. A karmic connection can help you earn bonus points for your karma and heal your emotional traumas.
According to psychic experts that studied the theme, you can have more than one karmic affair during your lifetime. All of the people that fall under this category have entered your life to teach you a valuable lesson or remind you about the importance of sticking to your true self no matter the cost.
A karmic love affair is never for eternity, with both parties realizing that the fundamental differences in their characters do not allow them to maintain a bond that is filled with love and understanding. Such affairs are very short-lived, as they demonstrate intense feelings and passions that cannot last.
Once you take complete control of your emotions and recognize your flaws so you can make proper corrections, healing a karmic relationship becomes an easy task. However, there are psychics who recommend walking away from the volatile dynamic in your union as soon as the red flags in your relationship start showing up.

He is the founder of The Allender Center and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, which prepared mental health professionals and helped hundreds of lives to heal their traumas.
Now Dan is working as a spiritual specialist at PsychicHouseOfMagic.