When you think about recognizing soulmate energy and finding someone you can have the most intimate bond with, the word spiritual comes to mind. In truth, our soulmates are not here to fit in our puzzle of an ideal relationship or make everything perfect. They are a cleansing fire, exposing our true selves. As humans, we love comfort and are wary of challenges. The purpose of a soulmate is not to become Mr. or Mrs. Right for our wounded ego but to transform and reveal the potential subdued by fear. It is said that a true soulmate is a mirror of ourselves: they point out what we are holding back and transform us into a new identity, free of the iron grip of the ego.
A soulmate connection can transcend the notion of time and space, making the signs your soulmate is thinking of you even more obvious. If you catch yourself smiling for no reason, seeing couples madly in love everywhere you go, or getting an emotional overload just by thinking of your significant other, this is a good sign of soulmate intense feelings. One may also have persistent dreams about the love of their life. This is your subconscious mind reacting to your soulmate’s temporary absence and one of the most obvious signs your soulmate is missing you. Some people report strange synchronicities like bumping into their crush in the middle of the street or seeing them in a coffee shop after they’ve spent hours thinking of them. How to know if your soulmate is thinking of you? Below are some of the signs that suggest you are always on their mind:

You are smiling constantly
If you are in love with someone really special, you are probably wondering: can you feel your soulmate from afar? Being suddenly overwhelmed with positive emotions is one of the trusted signs your soulmate is thinking of you. If you see men and women walking around with huge grins on their faces, it is possible their soulmates are thinking of them every waking moment. Having a cheerful mood for no reason can also be one of the signs your soulmate is near.
You see love everywhere you go
How do you know your soulmate is near when you have been apart for more than a few days? You start taking notice of every couple coming your way. Whenever you are out with friends, you spot families that look at each other adoringly, lovebirds holding hands, and kids promising eternal devotion to one another. All of these signs indicate that your soulmate is never far — they can reach out to you telepathically and tell you how they feel.
You have dreams about them
If you are looking for signs your soulmate is about to enter your life or can’t stop thinking about you, dreaming about them definitely fits the bill. Psychics say that dreaming about your destined partner happens when they want to be with you in both the waking world and the astral plane. Keeping a dream journal is a great way to see if you have recurring dreams about your soul partner.

You get sudden shivers
Our body is highly tuned to perceiving our soulmate’s touch. So, what happens when your soulmate touches you? You will get shivers that feel like electricity running under your skin. If they are not around but you still get goosebumps seemingly out of nowhere, this can be one of the signs your soulmate is thinking of you sexually or wants to be physically close. It is the higher energy that moves through your body, and it is often referred to as spiritual chills.
You get the hiccups
If you know the basics of Eastern European folklore, you will immediately see the connection between getting spontaneous hiccups and signs your soulmate is missing you. According to popular beliefs, there is only one way you can get rid of hiccups and break the spell. It can be achieved if you ask your friend to say your soulmate’s name so that they become aware of your feelings and know that your love is mutual.
You sneeze more often
If you have a soulmate, then your connection to this person is not only spiritual. You are also bound to be together on a physical level. This explains why some thoughts and fantasies we have of others can provoke sudden fits of sneezing. How do I know if someone is my soulmate thinking of me? If you ever experience intense sneezing, chances are it is the love of your life having detailed fantasies about you. Sneezes can also be a sign of your soulmate sending you blessings.

Their name is everywhere
Can you feel your soulmate reaching out to you? When you are in their head 24/7, it is not unusual to see their name showing up everywhere. If you read a book with one of the characters named as your soulmate or talk to a friend with the same name, this might be an indicator of your soulmate thinking about you passionately. You can come across people that knew them in the past and are somehow related to them. These are the signs of your soulmate’s deep affection.
You hear songs about them
Music is known to be the universal language of humankind that can transcend the physical plane and send cosmic vibrations to our loved ones. It is also one of the simplest ways for higher beings to interact with each other. Can you feel what your soulmate feels if they are at the other end of the world? Hearing songs with their name is a way to let you know that it is the memory of your presence that inspires them to keep going. Hearing the same music over and over again is another sign your soulmate is trying to communicate with you.
You wait for something nice to happen
Do you know that feeling when happiness is about to enter your life? The same happens when you are truly aligned with your soulmate. It seems like destiny is sending you all these premonitions so you can expect positive moments to come your way. When you try to rationalize your feelings and thoughts, there is no logical explanation to these mysterious good tidings.

Your life is getting easier
Even if you are an independent person who is used to facing challenges and meeting your problems head-on, having a soulmate means you don’t have to deal with your issues alone. For the first time, you feel like life just keeps getting better. You don’t have to make any effort — people turn up at the right place and at the right time to help you out. Suddenly, your life is a piece of cake that is entirely yours.
You are ready for changes
Before your soulmate arrived, your life seemed to be following the same pattern. However, it is their presence that stirred things up and made you rethink your choices and priorities. Once you have your soul partner at your side, you are no longer satisfied with the routine: you want excitement and thrill to shake you up and leave you breathless.
Everything starts to make sense
In the past, you never worried about your life having a particular agenda. You were okay with letting things unfold naturally and never wanted to seek deeper meanings behind your fate’s twists and turns. Now, however, the pieces of the puzzle start coming together. You see the bigger picture and your role in the Universe’s plans. You are no longer clueless as to what is going on because your soulmate’s energy is inspiring you to take action.

They are a part of your future
No matter what you plan for the future, your soulmate always remains part of the picture where the two of you are together and thriving. Whether you are doing a visualization of your dream life or making a list of goals for the next year, your soulmate is present in your heart, mind, and soul. Imagining them standing by your side fills you with positive energy and pure joy.
You start gaining clarity
There were times when you were okay with having no ambitions and goals, remaining unbothered by your surroundings, and never making plans for the future. Now that your soulmate has become your guiding star, you are more than happy to improve your life and make room for change. You say no to missed opportunities and are determined to choose the right path.
You are making plans
It is as if some unknown force transforms you and liberates you from the restrictions of everyday routine, as you are no longer satisfied with the level of life that you have. You are determined to achieve your goals and succeed in your endeavors no matter the hard work. Changes are on the way, and you try to impress your soulmate with your attitude and ambitions.

You feel more confident
As if someone gave you permission to be your true self, you begin to understand just how freeing it is not to be restrained by society’s rules. You become the coolest possible version of yourself and have little regard for other people criticizing you. You know that you are living in the moment and enjoying the luxuries of life. With your soulmate’s support, everything becomes clear.
You learn from your mistakes
You are no longer stuck in a loop of your previous relationships. If you want to know what happens when your soulmate touches you, you are in for the biggest revelation: it’s like you are no longer fretting about your past. Some of the experiences that you had were tumultuous, but they gave way to something great — a divine connection that works like magic and fills you with energy.
You get calls from them
How to know if your soulmate is thinking of you? They come for a surprise visit, start making unexpected calls, or send you messages to ensure you stay in touch seven days a week. If they are drawn to you by the power of a true soulmate connection, you shouldn’t be surprised to get calls or messages from your beloved one saying they miss you.

You feel a strange lightness
If you feel like your fears and worries are melting away, this means that your soulmate is sending you love and positive energy with their thoughts and intentions. A strange lightness is coming over you, which brings contentment, calmness, and peace of mind. Some people describe it as having someone give them a spiritual hug. Your soul is infused with light and tender emotions. This kind of energy comfort can only be offered by someone who truly cares.
You need to be around them
Even if you don’t know who your soulmate is just yet, you might feel a sudden urge to be close to them and keep them company. If you are attracted to someone that seems a complete stranger, chances are you might be looking at your destiny that has just walked into a room. The psychics say that the desire to interact with certain people might be a sign of you feeling your soulmate’s attraction.
You know when they think of you
You have an intuitive feeling that they keep thinking about you. You know that these telepathic messages are hard to explain, but you should not be confused: the law of the Universe states that everything in the world is energy. Whenever our soulmate sends us positive vibrations, we are bound to receive them tenfold. Signs your soulmate is near can be shared telepathically, which is why listening to your intuition is an unmistakable strategy when dealing with soulmates.

You notice repeating numbers
Synchronicities that include repeating numbers are a good sign, meaning that your soulmate keeps thinking about you. If you start seeing the same numbers on your clock again and again, this denotes a deep spiritual connection that transcends the physical dimension. There is always a possibility that your soulmate observes the same synchronicities. 11:11 is your soulmate confessing their love, while 12:12 is contentment and joy you’ll experience once you reunite with your soul partner.
You have butterflies in your stomach
Can you feel your soulmate emotions if they are manifested in a material way? It turns out that a classic stomach turn that is often associated with butterflies in your tummy is a sign that your divine partner is thinking about you at a particular moment in time. The psychics are certain that such flutterings are actually your body’s response to the energy sent by your soulmate. Some people compare it to a sinking feeling one gets on a roller coaster, only far more pleasant.
You want to be a better person
If you are determined to become a better version of yourself after meeting someone really special, this might be a sign that your soulmate chose the divine timing to appear in your line. Ideally, our soulmates motivate us to change and undergo transformations to complete our shadow work. A soulmate connection is enough to push us in the direction of our perfect self. If you feel the need to live your best life and never hold back on your feelings, it might be your soulmate gently reminding you to follow your dreams.
You experience mood swings
The reason you might be experiencing sudden mood swings is that you and your soulmate share more than a physical connection: you are body and soul linked together and destined to empathize with each other on the deepest level. Can you feel your soulmate crying or being sad? Are you often elated for no particular reason? If you have been overcome with sudden emotions, this may be your soulmate reaching out to you. If this is the case, psychic specialists recommend putting your hand on your heart and sending loving energy their way.
A bond between you and your soulmate is the one for eternity. After receiving numerous affirmations from the Universe, you can be certain you will recognize soulmate energy as they think of you. To better understand what a true soulmate connection is on a spiritual, emotional, and mental level, you can seek advice from our psychic experts. If you cannot wait to find out about your future together and need assistance from a trusted professional, ordering an online psychic reading will help you connect all the dots.
There are always subtle signs that can help you find out whether your soulmate is thinking of you. You might suddenly become hyper-aware of your surroundings or start seeing couples wherever you go. You may also experience strange highs and lows and mood swings for no apparent reason. If you feel the urge to be around someone you’ve just met, this can be your potential soulmate waiting for you to accept their love and affection.
Since the connection between two souls can transpire all physical limitations, it is completely possible to feel the vibrations sent to you by your significant other even if they are not in the same room. According to psychics, the soulmate energy is in a state of constant transfer: if they want you to feel their joy and contentment, they will make sure these high vibrations are redirected your way.
If you feel happy and overwhelmed with joy as your day unfolds, chances are that this positive attitude is going to help your soulmate tune into your energy. To make sure you are on their mind during their waking hours, you can also say love affirmations. As you and your soulmate share a special bond, this will guarantee the love of your life thinking about you constantly.
Because meeting your soulmate was written in the stars, they will instantly feel you thinking about them. Even if the two of you are far away from each other and do not have the means to communicate directly, they will still sense your loving thoughts and warm affection as you guide positive energy in their direction.
If you are looking for signs your soulmate is thinking of you when they are with others, you can rest assured their heart is always beating in sync with yours. The voices of the outer world can never hush the music of true love, so you shouldn’t worry about your soulmate ignoring your energy vibrations as you reach out to them.