If you have ever noticed how the energy shifts instantaneously whenever someone with positive vibes enters the room, you will most likely agree that the reverse is also true. People with negative aura, known as energy vampires, can drain your life force as they invade your personal space and make you hop on the complaint train against your will. Energy vampires can present themselves in many forms: professional victims, attention seekers, and non-stop talkers. While it is impossible to get rid of energy vampires once and for all, you can find ways to shield yourself from people with bad energy so that your sanity remains intact. Knowing how to protect yourself from negative energy of others can help you set the right boundaries when trying to take care of your well-being.

15 ways to protect yourself from negative energy
How to block negative energy from coworkers and people that surround you on a daily basis? We’ve come up with a few valuable recs on how to find calming energy in the series of mentally draining days. Here is how to protect yourself from negative energy of others and make sure you always remain cheerful.
Stay positive
Sensing negative energy from someone can directly affect your well-being. However, it is wise to remember that it is not your responsibility to engage with people who continue to be negative. Instead of trying to find a downside to every situation, focus on the positive, hopeful, and magical moments of life. Practicing gratitude may also help you realize that other people’s frustrations and troubles are not your burden. If you want to maintain an upbeat attitude, think of yourself as a person who is in control of what they allow themselves to feel.
Move to a different space
How to not let negative energy affect you daily? One of the simple yet powerful ways to protect your mental field is to remove yourself from the source of discomfort. While we realize that this is not always possible in a technical sense, you can always close the social media app, interrupt the conversation politely, or excuse yourself and step outside to regain your composure. People with bad energy are not entitled to your time: if you sense that someone next to you is a vampire radiating bad vibes, try to distance yourself from them by moving to a different space or leaving the area. This will help you avoid low vibrational people that absorb your energy.
Set personal boundaries
Protection from bad energy allows you to reestablish your boundaries and make sure no one abuses your time. If you have only a vague idea of how to not let negative energy affect you, you can start by drawing the line between what is comfortable and what you cannot accept. Learn to use the phrases “I don’t think this will work for me,” “I’m afraid I can’t accept your offer,” or ‘I don’t have the energy to talk about this right now.” You don’t have to be rude or dismissive to ward off unwanted energy, but it is important to let people know that your wants and needs should also be honored. Let your attention-seeking relatives or coworkers know that your energy is sacred and that your limits are there.
Ignore energy vampires
How to protect yourself from bad energy if you are surrounded by vampires that want to drain your powers? People with negative energy, or energy vampires, often force us to react emotionally. Once we learn how to react from the place of love and dismiss what the low vibrational person next to us is saying, this will change the dynamic in our relationships. Those who specialize in studying human energies insist that the best way to deal with energy drainers is to assume the role of an objective observer. You can do this by asking yourself whether the feelings that you’ve just experienced are your own or have been provoked by the perpetrator. By assuming the role of a neutral spectator, you will automatically distance yourself from the bad vibes.
Use mindfulness
It is not uncommon for mindfulness practices to be used as a way to ward off negative energy. If you get a feeling that someone is trying to affect your mood in a negative manner, you can deal with this by not letting this person invade your mental space. How many times have we opened social media, ready to rise and shine, only to leave feeling like we carry the burden of the whole world on our shoulders? Mindfulness is often discussed in the context of being hyper-aware of your surroundings and your mental processes. Even when you are stressed or busy, having a soothing conversation with yourself will help you feel more present.
Use silent treatment
We know what you are thinking: giving people the cold shoulder will make you look like a selfish person with very bad manners. However, using silent treatment when you are sensing negative energy from someone is the best way to ignore people who drain you mentally and always keep you on edge. In light of what was said about individuals that cannot help but drown you in their complaints, consciously disregarding someone with negative intentions is a step in the right direction. You may purposefully take no notice of an energy vampire and look the other way as they try to dominate your personal space. This way, you are conserving your energy and making sure your resources are not exhausted.
Minimize interactions
Feeling negative energy and not knowing how to protect your energy field when being around others? If brushing off people who get on your nerves is impossible, you can make a conscious effort to remove yourself from their influence on purpose. You can also turn this into a daily ritual where you promise yourself not to socialize with anyone who carries bad vibes. As a way to protect yourself, you can start choosing new routes to class or make an effort to sit further away from a coworker who loves playing the victim. We are fully aware of the importance of our social life, but you can still make an attempt to keep energy vampires at a distance.
Visualize a bubble
Staying away from negative energy may raise a series of pressing concerns that need to be resolved before you start soaking up negative vibes on social media or dealing with someone who leaves you feeling tired. How to protect yourself from negative energy when you’ve run out of options? Imagine yourself surrounded by a white light, a bubble that shields you from negativity and makes unnecessary energy simply bounce off its walls. Practice visualizing the bubble before you meet someone who drains your energy resources. Think of it as a barrier that blocks out the energy vampires and emanates positive vibrations.
Preserve your energy
It comes as no surprise that so many people ask themselves: why am I attracting negative energy? The truth is, we often feel like our energy levels are depleted when our boundaries are not clearly established. In order to save our mental energy from outside attacks, we should practice saying no to people who wish to drain our resources. It can be complicated since so many of us are used to helping our friends, coworkers, and people we come across as we go about our daily tasks. The old saying rings true: you cannot support people you love unless you have some energy left for yourself. The decision to preserve your energy can help you break the vicious cycle of energy vampire abuse.
Keep that ego in check
If you spend too much time on people that affect you negatively, you won’t have enough mental resources to commit to something you really love. Protection from bad energy will only work if you remain proactive and keep your ego in check. Think about hours wasted scrolling through other people’s profiles on social media, where the images of a perfect life and curated photos seem to grab your attention despite their obviously staged nature. Another way to check if your ego is in charge of your mental processes is the way you react to gossip. If you are intent on fixing someone else’s thoughts and opinions, pause and think whether your energy is really worth it.
Redirect your energy
How to block negative energy when someone is visibly upset with you and is not planning to stop in the middle of their tantrum? The thing is, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the outburst of negative emotions someone is going through is solely focused on your personality and actions. In reality, we have little to no idea what other people think at a precise moment or what they are experiencing when they have a fit. In most cases, you can redirect the energy that you saved for a proper reaction by applying your resources to something more productive. Other people’s gossip is a reflection of their own anxieties and unresolved issues.
Listen to your body
More often than not, feeling negative energy can result in you being overcome with a whole array of conflicting emotions: your energy levels drop down and your heart is about to jump from your chest. To avoid the feeling of not being present, take time to listen to your body and what it really needs. Sometimes, all you have to do is find a quiet place and take a deep breath to come back to yourself. If this is not enough, meditation is a great way to stay balanced and release tension.
Follow your intuition
If you are dealing with someone who seems to be channeling bad vibes, the best way to ward off negative energy is to follow your gut. Those who find it difficult to check in with their emotions can listen to their inner voice right after the conversation with someone who seems to be draining your energy. Are you exhausted? Are you sensing the overload of conflicting emotions? If the answer is yes, you are most likely a victim of the energy vampire. To protect your mental health, you need to be aware of these influences and limit your exposure to odd vibes.
Clear personal space
If you want to know how to protect yourself from negative energy of others without doing too much work, decluttering your personal space is a way to go. It is hard to maintain a balanced lifestyle if you are jammed between your physical and mental clutter. Getting rid of things that no longer bring you happiness is a great way to fix your mental state. You can initiate the process by removing old clothes from your closet and unfollowing social media accounts that spike your anxiety. Once you remove chaos from your life, you will automatically attract new energy.
Seek support
Being among people that make you feel good is another way to make yourself comfortable and find your happy place. Just as we create a sanctuary at home that we can return to, mirroring these actions when it comes to your social life is just as important. Talking to people who are really supportive or reconnecting with coworkers you get along with can lead to more productive interactions and positive influences that can change our lives and offset low vibrational energies.

Protecting personal energy is what we all want when dealing with people that operate on a low vibrational level. While some of us work ourselves to the bone and give away mental and physical energy at work and at home, energy vampires are here and waiting. To ensure protection from bad energy and people whose sole purpose is to make you feel under the radar, we suggest you put your needs before their own. Once you realize that your energy resources and conserving them can mean a world of difference, start building foundations for a truly healthy atmosphere. Even though we are not always in control of our surroundings, we can do our best to limit exposure to people that do not lift us up. Similarly, being around friends who make you feel good can have a positive effect on your well-being.
Negative energy can come in many shapes and forms. Still, it is an abstract concept mostly, which is manifested in people that operate on a low vibrational level or make you feel under the weather. If someone has negative energy dominating their lives, they will most likely maintain their energy supply by draining others.
One of the most prominent signs that you have energy vampires in your surroundings is the feeling of constant fatigue or apathy after talking to people at work or on social media. If you are haunted by persistent thoughts, your reflexes are sluggish, and you are often tired for no reason, this may be a sign of negative energy.
To make your vibrations high again and protect yourself from negative energy, you can surround yourself with people who lift you up and fill you with light, set clear boundaries with those who constantly drag you down, and learn meditation and mindfulness to help you stay centered.
To make sure you always radiate happiness, start each day with a smile, keep a gratitude journal, and know that good things are destined to happen. If practicing positivity seems too hard, try finding at least one thing you should be grateful for. Showing kindness is another way to create an atmosphere of love and light around you.
If you don’t want other people’s energies affecting you, you can create an invisible energy field around you that will work as your protection. Imagine yourself bathing in white light that envelopes you completely. If distancing yourself is not an option, minimize your exposure to negativity as much as you can.
Some energy protection methods are so effective that you will notice the results right away. Becoming non-reactive to other people is one of the signs that you have replenished your energy. Being able to transform negative vibes into positive feelings is another sign you have mastered the technique of protecting your energy field.