Relationship Protection Love Spells, Every relationship in this world goes through ups and downs. In a relationship when everything goes according to our wishes we find happiness in them but once things go against our wishes we tend to become anxious and unhappy. However, you need not worry as you can always mend your broken relationships or any downs in your relationship with the help of white magic spells. White magic spells help to create a positive boundary around you and better your lives and relationships.

So you can use white magic spells to draw positive energies near you and drive away the negative energies surrounding your love life. However, you should always remember that white magic derives its energies from the higher power i.e. God; and it is his wish to grant you your wishes. Therefore, you should believe in His power and work out the spells with good intentions, devotion, and belief. Let us check out the procedure and the things you will need to perform this spell.
The things you will need to perform this spell are as follows:
- One white candle (a little thick one)
- One pink candle
- Wooden match sticks
- A toothpick
- A pencil and
- A parchment paper
Now let us check the process to do the spell:
At first with the help of the toothpick you need to inscribe the white candle with your name. Now, with the same toothpick inscribe the name of your lover or partner on the pink candle. Next, light the white candle with the matches and then light the pink candle with another match-stick. After lighting the candles, you need to focus on the candles as they burn and think of the situation that is presently prevailing between you and your lover make a wish and let the Almighty know how strongly you want to resolve the problems and establish concord within your relationship. Now, after visualizing the whole incident and the way forward, take the pencil and draw three small hearts on the parchment paper.
Next, take the white candle and drop the wax on the three hearts (as you visualize bringing back your lover and giving love) and after filling the hearts with wax blow the candle off. Similarly, you should do with the pink candle too. You need to drop the wax on the same hearts and visualize what you want to receive in return from your lover. Now, blow off the pink candle too. You need to repeat the same process for seven days using the same parchment paper while drawing new hearts daily. After completing the seventh day, do not put off the candles and let them burn out. You need to hide this parchment paper in a place where no one can find it or otherwise your wishes will not fulfill.
Long-Distance Relationship Love Spells
If your lover is going out of town or state for study or business purposes and you fear that the love between you and your lover would be lost due to certain situational factors or gaps in the relationship, then you should take the help of the long-distance relationship love spells. These spells protect your relationships and help you to be close to each other through a string of positive powers. Let us check out the spell and the ingredients you will require to do this spell.
You will need two red candles or two pink candles, one white candle bigger than the two red/pink candles. Coming on to the process, light the two smaller candles. These two candles refer to the two persons in love. Now, recite the spell as below, and at the end of the spell use both the smaller candles to light the larger candle:
Miles between and oft apart
Lonely hours can cause a strain
But steady beats my loping heart
And steadfast will my love remain
God and Goddess, hear my plea
And ease the pain of distant love
If you love it, set it free
And have faith in stars above
Communication is the glue
To lope that lasts across the miles
Keeping lope so strong and true
No matter what toils and trials
Help us triumph over distance
Hold safe love’s mystery
Guide us on the road to romance
Until we can together be.
When you face situations when no help is seen to be helping you, you need the holy touch of Vashikaran mantras. The Vashikaran Mantra or spells are the most powerful to protect you and your relationships from the evils of black magic or other evils. The following mantra is a very powerful one, which provides you with an invisible guarded wall or a type of invisible bandhan. This wall will protect you from all kinds of worries, fears, black magic, evil spirits and other mental agonies. This spell or mantra is also known as the “Digbandhan Maha Mantra” or “Vandurga Maha Mantra”.
Chant this mantra in the morning. First, you need to sit on a red-colored aasan facing east. Now, chant this mantra 108 times with total belief and dedication. To get the complete benefit of this mantra, chant it regularly for six months. After you complete six months you can chant this mantra for thirty-two times daily. Scriptures say that this mantra can get rid of the most powerful black magic, if you chant it with devotion and belief and thereby protect your relationship.
Spell to Protect Relationship
Now, let us check a white magic spell that can help to protect the love relationship existing between two people. This spell is a powerful one and needs the utmost devotion to succeed. To perform this spell you will need a candle made of bee wax, two red rose petals, two dried apple seeds, and an unbleached cotton cloth (4” x 4”) Coming to the process, first light the candle and spread the cotton cloth on the floor. Now, place both the rose petals on the cloth, and above these rose petals place the dried apple seeds and recite the following words:
As the heat of the flame burns, so does the heat of this love between (name the parties).
With this molten wax, I seal the love as beginning to end, seed to flower, day to night, sunrise to sunset, and moon-to-moon. Let this day be as every day and every day be as this day until the days have come to an end at the end of the final moon
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