We are all connected. This simple truth is often lost as we continue to live our lives and neglect the signs telling us that we need to replenish our spiritual energy source. Everything in the known cosmos is made up of tiny molecules vibrating at their own rhythm. Whenever we channel our spiritual power, we allow this energy to go through us. Our energy levels are composed of higher vibrations and lower vibrations. From the way we think to the way we interact with others, vibrating at positive frequencies can make us feel lighter, happier, and more content.
Centuries-old teachings focus on the importance and value of human connections. However, it is the bond with our inner self that gives us the spirit energy and enables us to listen to our own thoughts. If we deconstruct the mind of an average person, we will immediately realize how little we know about the powers that lie within. The ability that we all come to possess is known as spiritual energy, with different spiritual energy levels guiding us towards higher planes of consciousness. The most fascinating fact about your soul energy is that it can be found anywhere and used to help you gain clarity, happiness, and make you feel elated and content as you achieve your life’s purpose.
What is spiritual energy?
If you, like many other seekers of truth before you, have been wondering how to gain spiritual power and make it work in your favor, we have excellent news. Anyone who is determined to tap into their hidden potential can reach out and touch the source of infinite wisdom. So, what is spiritual energy in terms of esoteric science?
Many psychics believe that it is a manifestation of all forces and essences that have a non-human origin and are accumulated through the Divine Light. Positive spiritual energy is present in many of the world’s cultures and religions. It penetrates our consciousness and makes us access our inner self when we are looking for outside guidance. By getting in touch with your spiritual power, you will be able to change your old beliefs and challenge existing concepts to give way to something new and completely unorthodox.
Spiritual energy levels
Practitioners talk about three spiritual energy levels that depend on how we perceive the world and its vibrations. In short, spiritual levels are divided into the following types:

- Positive spiritual level. Harmony and beauty rule this level as it embodies the light and joy that come with understanding our place in the Universe. If you have no idea how to get in touch with spirituality, practicing gratefulness and approaching things with an open mind may help you amp up your vibrations so that you radiate positivity. This level is characterized by creativity and artistic thinking, which allows you to transform the world as we know it and achieve your goals and dreams. On a positive level of spiritual awareness, we tend to avoid conflicts and harness our inner strength to find beauty and harmony in our daily surroundings.
- Negative spiritual level. Dark and heavy, this level is often referred to as the sadness of the soul that is lost in its own thoughts and cannot escape its shadow. If the hidden aspects of your personality have been subdued due to life circumstances or personal trauma, this can manifest in having a more negative outlook on life and displaying low vibrational levels. These are often manifested in the feeling of deep melancholy that cannot be traced back to outer influences.
- Neutral spiritual level. A neutral plane of spiritual understanding is neither good nor bad, existing in a sacred place between two worlds and reminding us that all things are interconnected. It is a special kind of balance between negative and positive energies that makes us think of the impermanence of matter and the fluidity of life. Neutral aspects of spiritual practices can force us to look at our issues from a rational standpoint and help us make life-changing decisions with a clear head.
10 best ways to increase your spiritual energy
So, what is my spiritual power and how to open up your spiritual side for good? They say that your spiritual energy is a battery that you can recharge so you are happy and healthy once again. If you are feeling lost and confused as the shackles of the material world pull you to the ground, there are tips you can use to lift your vibrations and raise your spirit energy so you are one with the Universe:

Practice meditation
If you have no idea how to increase spiritual energy as you continue to surrender to negativity and harmful thoughts, put it this way: what we think defines who we are. Positivity is the key to enhancing our personal energy levels. One of the most intimidating aspects of our daily existence is stress, which undermines our productivity and makes our energy levels depleted. To avoid this, you can try anything related to meditation techniques, including simple breathing exercises and repeating mantras. Although we can’t guarantee that stress will go away completely, we are more than certain that you will become attuned to your inner resources and develop resistance to factors that may cause potential stress.
Walk in nature
The world around us is a hub of positive energy, but we need time and considerable effort to activate it within us. What is your spiritual power and how can you harness it? The answer is right here before us: we are aligned with our vibrations whenever we spend a day in nature with no distractions or high-tech devices pulling us back into reality. Those who lived before us understood the importance of dwelling around mountains and seas. We, the descendants, seem to have lost our connection with vital elements of nature. To improve your spiritual energy levels, try walking barefoot on the sand and let the beauty of the glorious sunset envelope you completely. Psychic experts are certain that feeling the grounding energy of the earth is of utmost importance when choosing a path of spiritual exploration and positive vibes.
Take care of your body
How to open up your spiritual side and take care of your physical body? Being healthy means conscious consumption. According to the metaphysical teachings, everything in the Universe is composed of energy. Whenever you eat “dead” foods such as processed items, fried food, or red meat in excess, you fill your body with low vibrations. On the contrary, by choosing foods that are rich in nutrients, like fruits and vegetables, you feel happier and more alive. Despite the popular myth that alcohol is a great way to make you feel good, its effects are only temporary. By eliminating any trace of toxins from your body, you inevitably adopt a better lifestyle and feel the energy coursing through you.
Be grateful
When we start expressing gratitude and appreciation for all the good things surrounding us daily, the nature of our spiritual vibrations changes accordingly. What does spiritual energy feel like when you know that the Universe has blessed you with eternal wisdom? A great way to stay attuned to your spiritual powers is to shift your attention from what you don’t have to what you currently possess. For instance, taking a few moments each day to be thankful for little things can mean a world of difference to our higher self. Look around you. Is it your favorite coffee mug sitting on the kitchen table and spreading a delicious aroma? Is it the birds singing or the sun pouring its light on all the living beings? When we pause to appreciate all the goodness, we turn our attention to all the tiny things that truly have meaning and transform our daily expression of gratitude into a healthy habit.
Feel the energy of the sun
Since the Sun is the largest source of positive energy in the world, we need to look no further when trying to make that energy flourish. As the Sun radiates positive vibes, we need to spend at least several minutes absorbing its light and soaking in its warmth in the morning. You can also practice visualization as you imagine the Sun caressing your skin and filling you with its divine light. It is the ultimate mediator between us and the cosmos, reminding humankind that we are here, on this planet, for a number of reasons. It is in our power to elevate our spirit energy levels and allow ourselves to chase our dreams. What we choose to do with our sacred life force is our only responsibility.
Reach out to spirit guides
A spirit guide often acts as the most trusted advisor in your spiritual development. Just like high-vibe food fuels your body and provides you with all the necessary nutrients, it is the connection with our spirit guides that makes us stay focused on the path of light that we’ve chosen. If you ever start wondering how to get in touch with spirituality and how to increase your spiritual energy, you can easily revoke the feeling of oneness with the metaphysical by reaching out to higher beings. Some may refer to them as ancestral spirits or angels, whereas in other belief systems, they are known as the ascended masters that transmit knowledge through coded messages and speak to us through meditations, mantras, and prayers. You can connect with the guides by letting them into your world as you conduct your daily prayers. This way, you ensure you get free access to their wisdom, advice, and a potential source of infinite spiritual energy.
Get away from social media
It has been confirmed that spending too much time on social media can negatively affect our mindset, as well as our emotional and spiritual state. The best way to avoid social media exposure is to shut down all tech devices before you go to bed and embark on a digital detox tour as you monitor the type of content that you consume and the time spent checking other people’s accounts. When data is being thrown at online users at an abnormal speed, it can be hard to stay focused and process the information that is delivered. According to psychic experts, this can lead to us being stressed over for no reason or absorbing negative energies without realizing it. To avoid this, limiting your exposure to social media accounts is the best option.
Think positively
The ancient proverb says that we can become what we think. Following this logic, every thought can shape our future and make us what we are today. If we are in the clutches of anxiety or feeling under the radar, it can be hard to find a positive thought that you can cling to. If you’ve been deciding how to tap into your spirituality without sacrificing too much of your time, study the pattern of thoughts that goes through your mind every time you sit down to accomplish your tasks. The law of positive attraction states that it takes less than 18 seconds for one thought to trigger the next one, similar to the first. If we make a conscious effort to remove all the negative energy from our minds, we might be able to channel positivity on an enhanced level.
Use crystals
Energy crystals have always played a vital role in the improvement of our spiritual energy levels. They are believed to attract positive energy into our homes. Precious stones like amethyst and rose quartz can perform a variety of functions necessary to open our enlightenment chakras and help us maintain the connection with the material world. For instance, black obsidian is in charge of the root chakra, keeping us in the third dimension, while rose quartz crystals provide us with internal resources to express self-love and gratitude. By keeping your crystals close and repeating affirmations, you can provide a solid stimulant for your mind and bring peace to your surroundings. Crystals are usually placed in areas that feel the most relaxing or may be carried around for inspiration.
Create your sacred space
In your home, find a place that will be dedicated entirely to spiritual practices. This doesn’t have to be a separate room that you will use for creative journaling or prayers. No need to overcomplicate things—all that has to be done is the construction of a spot that will be quiet and comfortable. You can add pictures or a few decor elements to make the space more lived-in, but the specialists recommend sticking with minimalistic trends. The spot that you will use for expressing your gratitude and repeating affirmations should be free of all clutter. Red candles and incense will help you create an atmosphere for positive vibrations to flow. Keep in mind that your sacred place is the one where you can feel centered, aligned, and in tune with the Universe’s rhythms.
What is spiritual energy and why do we feel like we are missing something vital if it’s not present? Many say that our spiritual power is what we believe it to be. Others are certain that it is a voice of our subconscious expressing itself through admiration at the sight of a beautiful sunset or mountains covered in fog. To achieve this indescribable feeling of being present, one can practice awareness and remain around people who make you feel good. If all of your friends resonate at the same high vibrational frequencies, it becomes so much easier to succumb to the collective unconscious and channel kindness and spirit energy into the world.
Those who have been thinking about how to gain spiritual power and raise awareness as they live their daily lives can start by practicing meditation rituals and repeating affirmations and mantras. You can also create a sacred space at home so you can reflect on your mental and emotional state without distractions.
We are all beings of light and spiritual creatures that are having an intense human experience. In order to remain centered and focused at all times and remind ourselves who we really are, working on our spirit energy levels can make all the difference.
If you start to increase your spiritual energy, you will be able to tap into creative aspects of your personality, achieve mental clarity and peace within yourself, and make better connections with those around you. You will also gain a sense of self-awareness and understanding of who you really are as an individual.
The most common practices for increasing spiritual energy include making the most of your meditation hours, walking in nature, surrounding yourself with people whose values align with yours, starting a gratitude journal, taking care of your body, connecting with your spirit guides, and taking some time away from social media.
One of the many signs that you have high spiritual energy is that you possess an innate sense of knowing and a developed intuition. You may have a connection with your spirit guides or ascended masters, as well as feel the vibrations of the Universe and make people feel comfortable in your presence.
The main difference between the two energies is often described as metaphysical. However, it can still be perceived on a non-material level. Spiritual energy is the one that makes up a person and is a part of their character and inner self. Physical energy usually manifests in what we do when we need to achieve something.