What is a shaman and what does shaman healing mean? Just because shamanism as such doesn’t belong to any of the world’s religions, we can safely say that it covers all faiths and cultural myths, allowing you to access the memory of your ancestors. All kinds of beings and totems exist on a shamanic plane as it precedes modern religion as we know it.
Shamanic healing as a practice originated long before therapists of the modern day and age started treating patients. The main purpose of any shamanic practitioner is to get to the core of the issue that is troubling you. A shaman healer can look beneath the surface and penetrate the conscious mind to understand what causes anxiety. They can also establish a connection with the spirit of all things, which is a part of the shamanic belief system.

What is shamanic healing?
Traditional medical practices assign therapists to find the root of all trouble and deal with the chemical reactions in our bodies causing distress. In this case, it would be appropriate to ask: what is shamanic healing and how can a shaman healer help those in need? We should preface this by saying that the entire practice of shamanic energy healing sees illnesses and malfunctions, both of the physical body and mind, to be the consequences of an imbalance that exists deep within us. According to many shaman practitioners, the contemporary approach to medicine lies in concealing the true issues. This may guarantee temporary healing without providing a permanent solution.
A shamanic healer, on the other hand, will track the issue back to its roots. Shamanic therapy involves analyzing the essence of a particular person and requires the patient to do a great deal of self-healing. The shaman can guide you on your way to recovery, but it will take more than treating the physical body to deal with the issue. Some of the most common causes of anxiety in humans are the need to relive a past trauma and the need to unleash their full potential. It is the shamanic healer that can work with the person’s energy and seek answers from the spiritual realm in order to heal the body and soul.
Best online shamanic healing services
Shamanic healers who seek guidance and wisdom outside of the familiar reality and are capable of connecting with the spirit realm have been revered for centuries. However, it is always better to find a shamanic practitioner that offers professional advice based on their expertise and qualifications. Here, you will find tried and tested shamanic healers that can help you heal emotional traumas and imbalances, as well as perform energy work to make you feel uplifted and energized.
What does a shaman do?
So, what does a shaman do according to mainstream beliefs? Can shaman healing work remotely? The truth is, the process of shaman healing can be conducted both online and in person. By gaining access to the altered states of consciousness, the shaman can move between the spirit world and our dimension to find deeper reasoning behind customer issues. While staying in the unseen world, the healer will monitor different types of energy that may affect us in the material world. These worlds might be merging in the shaman’s interpretation to reach a better diagnosis and analyze your case.
Shamanic therapy is generally divided into several stages that are necessary to eliminate negative energies and blocks:
- Observing the invisible energies that are hidden from the ordinary eye and finding out which one is responsible for the customer’s problem.
- Performing a specific online ritual and giving directions to users so that they can take an active part in the healing process.
Shamanic healers can either remove energies that are unnecessary for the customer’s well-being or make sure the ones that were lost come back to their rightful owner. The process is called soul retrieval and involves removing blocks from your energy body. The blocks in a human body may present themselves in different shapes and forms—a dagger, a venomous snake, an arrow, a gray area, or a colorless zone. If the shaman healer performs the extraction successfully, your energy body will be restored to its usual functions. You will instantly feel lighter and happier, with your life force and vitality flowing. Some shamanic healers refer to the procedure as the return of the neglected part of the soul. This shift in energies can be conducted remotely once the healer has determined the patient’s most concerning issues.
Shaman rituals
Shamanic healing rituals, contrary to what many practitioners think, can be exercised using a hands-off approach, which allows the patient to receive treatment online. What is a shamanic healer in the context of modern realities and the customers’ desire to receive assistance without leaving the comfort of their own home? Any shamanic healing ritual starts with an open dialog with the healer. Once you contact the shaman via chat or phone, you can easily articulate your request and share the issues that you are dealing with. A genuine practitioner will refrain from any judgments or criticisms that might affect the outcome of the online healing session. Instead, the shamanic healer will do their best to determine which type of healing is necessary.
We need to emphasize the importance of both parties being completely transparent before the ritual. Think of a shaman as your guide to the spirit realm that has the capacity to remove your energy blocks through a series of movements, breathwork, chanting, and incantations. If the session is conducted via chat or phone, the shaman will describe the steps needed to achieve the desired result. There are healers that use shamanic singing and dance to make sure your soul retrieval process runs smoothly. The shaman will then perform additional energy work to find if there are any untreated soul spaces left. As someone who walks between worlds, the shaman will act as your soul doctor that provides therapy designed to remove unnecessary attachments from your energy centers. A shamanic healer retrieves the pieces of your soul and receives information for them, which is the process often referred to as Soul Recovery.
A shaman is someone who can transcend the physical realm and travel between worlds, reminding humanity about the spirit of all things. Shamans understand the hidden nature of beings, heal your inner wounds, and transmit information from the spirit world to the world of humans.
Being a system of beliefs rather than organized faith, shamanism can benefit your health by removing all the physical imbalances in your energy centers. The shaman’s work is that of restoration of hidden layers of your being to make sure you can let go of your health issues and reshape your thinking.
To find a skilled shamanic practitioner, you can start by studying the online profiles of master shamans. Those who have read a few books on shamanism should by no means pose as professional healers—a trained shaman undergoes years of practice under the guidance of a teacher and can communicate with spirits in a shamanic manner.
Because shamanic healing rituals are performed individually for each patient and cannot be replicated, the process of assessing these practices can be highly subjective. Shamanism is the kind of knowledge that can bring goodness to people who perform the rituals with a skilled practitioner and approach the shamanic traditions with good intentions.
Since shamanic healers can work without the constraints of space and time, shamanic healing rituals can be performed remotely. The practitioner may ask you to send them a photo of yourself and provide them with information on what areas need healing. Some shaman healers may also request the patients to lie still as they work with energy attachments and limiting beliefs.
A classic shamanic healing session involves a variety of tools like soul retrieval techniques, also known as shamanic extraction, energy balancing practices, sucking out unnecessary energies, and restoring your inner balance. All these tools are aimed at finding the deep-seated issues and resolving them in a state of deep spiritual trance.
Shamanism is not a hobby but a state of mind. Its teachings reach beyond the usual beliefs and encompass all that is. A true shaman is aware of the spirit of all things and can help you restore the vital energy in your body to live a happy, fulfilled life. During a shamanic healing journey, you will recognize the energy shifts in your body and feel positive changes in the way you perceive your emotions. Shamanic healers often advise their patients to remain open to any changes that take place in their mental state as the negative energy is released, giving way to something new and empowering.