You may have heard countless times about people with spiritual powers talking to ghosts and learning the future from them. Such supernatural knowledge is not a thing you come across here and there. But such powers open many doors to your true self. Do you wish to know more about psychic channeling and what is a true channeler? Read below!
What is Channeling?

What is channeling psychic? It’s a question you may find hard to answer. Many people imagine scenes from magical or horror films where a psychic enters a trance and an evil spirit begins to speak with a frightening voice through their mouth. This, by the way, can happen during a real physic channeling session. However, it’s a rare occasion, fortunately.
In the psychic community, channeling is considered a very powerful ability that signifies the exchange of energy currents with other worlds. These energy streams allow you to establish contact with representatives of the other worlds — ghosts and angels.
The channeling session is also about connecting with the spirits of living people. For a skilled psychic clairvoyant, it looks like a conversation with a hologram. For a clairaudient, it’s like listening to an audiobook.
When did people discover the power of human potential and turn it into a powerful magical practice of channeling? The exact dates are not known. However, written traces of channeling are found in the histories of religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
Unfortunately, the psychic power of channeling is often taboo. Some even call this skill mental illness, referring to the fact that channelers see “what doesn’t exist.” Unfortunately, psychics can, indeed, have mental problems since being a channeler is a heavy burden. But these problems have nothing in common with schizophrenia and other severe illnesses. Usually, such experts have anxiety and depression.
How do people become channelers? It’s worth mentioning that psychic channeling is not a spiritual art you can learn in a few lessons. The luckiest ones have innate channeling abilities — a gift from higher powers and heredity.
However, several exercises can help develop these powers:
- You must work on your empathy. To be able to see the future of another person, you must first learn to analyze their present and past.
- Channelers work on their education. The more you know about the world, the easier it is for you to see its invisible particles.
- You need to focus on a specific type of channeling. There are many variations — trance, ouija, clairvoyance, etc. Pick the one you like. We do not recommend practicing all types because otherwise, you won’t achieve a master’s level.
- Try meditation and other techniques for spiritual self-knowledge. Spirits will be ready to talk to you if you are open to them.
Best Online Psychic Channeling Services
Channeling psychic experts can work for themselves or specialized companies. If you opt for websites, you can look through the offers below — these are excellent sites for getting professional channeler medium.
Types of Mediumship Channeling
Channeler mediums possess different psychic abilities to communicate with familiar spirits or spirits of deceased people. Although the most widespread form of mediums channeling is trance, in spiritual circles, they also define other techniques, such as table-turning and Ouija. Besides, people also include the clairvoyant group (clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairgustance, etc.) to mediumship. Do you wish to know more about these psychic powers? Then, keep reading!
Trance is a state associated with a change of your consciousness. This magical practice involves the psychic allowing the higher spirits to infiltrate their mind and using the adviser’s body to convey information to the client.
Usually, it looks like this: your reader sits with their eyes closed and pronounces the message.
Trance is also associated with the practice of hypnosis, which is used on the client. By hypnotizing you, your reader will be able to connect with your subconscious and find the reasons for the problems that your ego hides.
This mediumship channeling practice also has other names: table-tapping, table-tipping, or table-tilting. In a spiritual circle, this practice became popular in the 19th century. Table-turning implies that ritual participants sit around a table and wait for it to be rotated by spirits. The table should have alphabet letters on its surface and a pointer which will help a spirit to convey its message.
Ouija channeler medium sessions are very similar to table-turning. However, instead of a table, the psychic uses a spirit board or talking board with alphabet letters marked on its surface, 0-9 numbers, “yes”, “no”, “hello”, and “goodbye” words. In addition, the board has a heart-shaped planchette made of wood or plastic. A spirit moves this planchette to show its answer to your question.
The clairvoyant group

- Clairaudience. This psychic ability implies that a spiritualist can hear various voices and sounds which other people can’t comprehend. Clairvoyants can hear what the spirits of the deceased say, comprehend the words which people may be saying right now but in a different place. They can also hear what you or individuals involved in your life said days or even years ago. In addition, clairvoyants hear noises, melodies, and other sounds, which may be a hint to the answer to a client’s question.
- Clairgustance. Clairgustance is an unusual ability that implies feeling various tastes which are the answer to the psychic problem. For example, a client asks what could cause a disagreement with their partner. A psychic may feel the taste of a green tea in their mouth — the same tea a client and their partner were drinking when a client said something unpleasant to their soulmate.
- Clairsentience. The ability of clairsentience is different from empathy. Although to become a clairsentient you have to be a great empath, empathy is connected with real-time situations. Meanwhile, clairsentients can feel the emotions of people in the past time and future, as well as understand the emotional state of deceased people in situations that happened long ago. In addition, a powerful psychic can identify the feelings of spirits who try to talk to you. It can help to convey the message from your angel patron — the clairsentient will “translate” this feeling into the prediction.
- Clairvoyance. This magical sensory ability describes the psychic powers of seeing things that other people can’t. Parapsychology says that clairvoyant mediums can see not only the spirits of dead and alive people. They can sensory comprehend various abstract forms — masks angels and ghosts can hide under. Besides, clairvoyants can see different objects, which can be a piece of advice from your spiritual patron.
- Claircognizance. This ability can be considered the most powerful because it implies knowing things without having prior information about the topic subject. Usually, people who discover they have such powers are very educated individuals with a high level of intuition.
An energy-channeling psychic is a spiritual advisor who can convey a message from angels, ghosts, spirits of alive people, or even inhabitants of parallel worlds. Physic channeling has highly developed intuition, empathy, and specific skills which enable them to communicate with spirits.
From a practical perspective, channeling sessions online provide such perks: relatively competitive prices, convenient and fast access to services, and transparency. In terms of spiritualism, a channeling psychic help you communicate with someone who passed away. Besides, such an advisor navigates you in your life decisions by consulting angels and spirits from other Universes. These spirits know a lot about our future, and their advice can help you tremendously.
– Direct or indirect communication with the souls of deceased
– Getting advice from the spirits of alive people
– Receiving navigation on your life path
– Getting rid of uncertainty about your future and destiny.
To provide a medium channeling session, a psychic needs to receive your energy which will lead them to the right spirit for assistance. A skilled spiritual advisor can reach your energy currents even miles away through text, voice calls, or video. That’s why such consultations are no less effective than offline sessions.
A varied mix of spiritual websites offers assistance in energy channeling. You only need to type “a medium near me” and analyze the list of suggestions on the Internet.
Don’t have time for this screening process? Then, you should consider the top sites in our offer table above. These platforms have good reviews and a variety of options for spiritual mediumship consultations.
The mediums channeling sessions online cost from $4 to $9/ minute. However, you can also find options for only $0.99/min or even $17.99. In addition, don’t forget about free trial minutes and discount packages many websites provide for new clients! You can also find such offers on the websites we enlisted today.
Energy channeling consultations with real professionals will open the door to otherworldly realms and help you contact spirit guides. These relatively cheap sessions are worth your investment since you will have a chance to make the right decisions. Try a deep dive into the unknown with skilled channelers and discover new possibilities.

He is the founder of The Allender Center and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, which prepared mental health professionals and helped hundreds of lives to heal their traumas.
Now Dan is working as a spiritual specialist at PsychicHouseOfMagic.