A small stone hanging from a wire and swinging in a specific direction sounds like a skeptical tool for learning the future during divination. But, indeed, this is how pendulum readings work – spiritual sessions aimed at connecting to higher spirits for guidance. If you wish to know more about pendulum psychic practice, keep reading the article.
What is a Pendulum Reading?

What are psychic pendulum sessions? Do they look like those hypnosis scenes from vintage movies where a person falls asleep or enters the astral world under the influence of a stone hanging from the string? It’s a common stereotype that has nothing in common with modern pendulum sessions.
A pendulum is a symmetrical object suspended from a thread or chain. Psychics use pendulums in the following way: by focusing on the question of a client, the expert directs their inner forces to higher spirits. These spirits provide the answer by moving the pendulum in a specific direction.
Pendulum readings are used for different purposes, not only for finding answers to questions.
- Pendulum dowsing is a great way to find a trace of lost objects, pets, and even people. You have probably watched those scenes in the witch movies where the enchanter holds a pendulum over a map, reads a spell, and waits until the stone swings in the location of the spell target.
- Pendulums are also used to cleanse negative energy. These sessions can be done both online and offline. If this is a conventional consultation, the expert will swing a pendulum around your head to clear your aura. If it is online, the psychic will swing the pendulum and send healing waves to you through the screen or phone. During virtual sessions, you can also rotate the pendulum yourself, repeating the spell. You have to choose the pendulum in advance for your readings because the energy of the stone should correspond to your spirit.
Usually, people find stones for pendulum readings at esoteric stores. However, you can also select as a pendulum the key, your grandmother’s pendant, or any other item that carries healing power for you.
How does a pendulum for psychic readings help? The pendulum plays the role of awakening intuition and higher feelings. The reader focused on the pendulum, which frees their mind and allows the higher powers to suggest the answer.
Pendulum readings are also a cheap way to start your spiritual journey in a convenient way. Virtual psychics ask for small fees for consultations. Usually, you will see a $3–$6 rate for a one-minute session with such an advisor. Besides, you can find different types of communication methods to use for your virtual spiritual session, including chat, photo, video, and email.
Best Online Pendulum Psychics
Are you ready to learn the truth about your future with the help of a pendulum? Then, you should approach professional psychics who specialize in such readings. After all, skilled experts have special powers to reunite with higher spirits and help you find the answer to your question.
How Online Pendulum Reading Works?
A brief remark: first, you have to choose the right resource for your reading. Pay attention to reviews, prices, refund policies, and available services such as choice of communication methods, reading style, and so on.
Before reading, you need to come up with a list of questions you want to solve. Also, it’s a must for you to prepare for the session spiritually by clearing your mind. Try meditation, aromatherapy, or other practices that will help you relax during your consultation and let the expert read your future.
And now, let’s answer the following question, “How does a pendulum work in psychic readings?” The pendulum itself does not reveal the secrets of the future. It is only a transmitter of this information from spirits. Pendulum psychics use their sixth sense and spiritual powers to direct them to higher spirits to get the answer to your question.
Pendulums are suitable for questions with yes and no answers. Before reading, the expert defines which side will be positive and which will be negative. The direction in which the pendulum moves will indicate the answer to your question from guardian angels.
Usually, psychics use pendulums made of materials that best suit their energy. It’s crucial because the correctly chosen pendulum provides a better connection with spirits. However, you can also ask the reader to use a specific tool, such as a crystal, if it resonates with your consciousness the best, which you think will help the spirits to see your essence and destiny better.
Unfortunately, it may happen that your reader will not be able to get an answer to your question, even if the expert is very experienced. What could be the reasons for this?
- The spirits do not want you to know the answer to this question. Perhaps your angels see that if you know the answer, it will change your destiny, and probably not for the better. Sometimes some mysteries must remain unsolved.
- You are tired or focused on other issues rather than your reading. Pendulum consultations require not only the reader’s attention and concentration but also yours. Otherwise, the spirits will not be able to catch your inner currents and understand your question.
- You do not trust your psychic enough, which creates a barrier that prevents the expert from seeing your spiritual side and directing their powers to the spirits.
- Another reason is that pendulum readings just don’t work for you. Perhaps you should try a different type of reading that resonates with your inner world and needs.
Pendulum Rituals
Pendulum readings are a very complex practice that includes several rituals.

Retreat pendulum reading
It is the type of reading that is done during vacation time. When we take a vacation, we usually rest physically and mentally from routine problems, which clears our minds and increases the chances of getting a quality response from the spirits through the pendulum reading.
Two-person pendulum consultation
It is the consultation with spiritual readers when you do not conduct readings for yourself but ask a professional psychic to solve your issue.
Daily pendulum readings
Usually, spiritual readings are held several times a month or several months. However, this ritual, which involves reading every day at the same time in the same place, aims to develop inner discipline in you. It will help to conduct very accurate readings with the pendulum in the future.
A pendulum is only a tool for divination practice. Your psychic is responsible for making accurate predictions on the chosen topic by exploiting their divine powers to convince higher spirits to give a hint about the upcoming future.
People often try pendulum reading online for fun, watching which way the stone swings to find out the answers to questions. But these are unreliable methods: the pendulum can swing 1) because of the wind and 2) the uncontrolled movement of a hand. Professional readers, in turn, address higher spirits to show the correct answer to your inquiry.
For the reading to be as accurate as possible, you must trust your reader and believe in a positive result. Otherwise, there will be an emotional barrier that will not allow the reader to enter your energy field to better navigate toward the true answer to your question. Also, the quality of a pendulum yes or no online session depends on the experience of your psychic.
All types of reading are helpful, including pendulum consultations. However, this type of reading is more suitable for finding yes/no answers. If you do not like this, the result will be far from desired. Also, if you don’t enjoy reading with pendulums, you should better choose another tool.
Of course, it is! Phone, chat, or video is just a way to get information from the reader. The quality of services doesn’t depend on the communication method. A professional reader will feel your energy currents and indicate the correct answer, even through text messages.
Besides, these consultations are relatively cheap. You can even get free pendulum reading at some websites.
Firstly, you need to select a reader that meets your criteria for pricing, communication method, reading style, etc. Next, you need to tune in to a satisfying result to attract positive energy to yourself. Secondly, you should prepare a list of questions you want to solve. Since pendulum readings provide only Yes/No answers, it is enough to come up with simple short-ended questions.
If you want to open the mystical curtain of your destiny, then you should try the pendulum readings. These are affordable spiritual consultations you can order at any platform we have mentioned in this article.Spiritual readers who know how to do pendulum readings cannot change your destiny. However, if you are willing to put in the effort to achieve your goal, a pendulum reading can be an excellent tool for this endeavor.

He is the founder of The Allender Center and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, which prepared mental health professionals and helped hundreds of lives to heal their traumas.
Now Dan is working as a spiritual specialist at PsychicHouseOfMagic.