Do you feel you are losing control over your inner self? Do you think you are out of physical balance that doesn’t let you enjoy your life? Chakra reading sessions not only help scratch the surface of the truth about actual reasons for such life-quality deterioration. Chakra reading online focuses on the deep screening of your spiritual state uncovers the triggers for mental and physical problems and helps find ways to heal and clean your energy.
What is a Chakra Reading?
Before answering this question, let’s shed light on the chakra definition by explaining “What’s a chakra?”. In Sanskrit, chakra means the wheel. Esoteric followers explain that these wheels are centers of aura layers that move the energy flow throughout the body. Each center, which is seven, navigates a specific part of our spiritual life.

- The Root chakra, located in the tailbone area, is responsible for our survival instincts. It forms in the first seven years of our life. That’s why this chakra is called root because it regulates the ground aspects of our life. Often, the state of this energy center shows our stability in finances and personal independence.
- The Sacral chakra, which professional psychics see in the lower abdomen, navigates the flow of our emotional and sexual energy. This “wheel” is connected with the natural cycle of life, death, and rebirth. The blocked Sacral chakra can point out that a person has lost self-control or suffers from various addictions.
- The Solar Plexus chakra with the location in the stomach area represents our self-esteem and level of confidence. The quality of this chakra will show how productive and energized we are. A blocked Solar Plexus wheel indicates an individual suffers from low self-esteem and depression.
- The Heart chakra serves as a bridge between the higher chakras and lower chakras we mentioned above. There is no need to mention the location of this energy wheel, as you already understand it from the name of the chakra itself. Open Heart chakra shows that a person’s soul is full of love and compassion.
- The Throat chakra, which is the first higher chakra to mention today, is located in the throat. It speaks of our ability to self-express and communicate. We fully develop this chakra at the age of 29–35. The blocked chakra can mean an individual has difficulty speaking their truth and conveying their emotions.
- The Third Eye chakra, which esoteric followers discovered in the forehead area between the eyes, controls our intuition and imagination. This chakra represents wisdom and connection with the divine.
- The Crown chakra, the last on this list, is the center of our spiritual development. It’s located at the top of the head and tied to the cosmos, enlightenment, and high spirituality. An unbalanced crown chakra indicates that a person undergoes a period of frustration and disconnection with their higher selves.
Today, we mentioned such a term as blocked chakra. During chakra readings, it can be determined that a specific energy wheel is blocked, thus preventing the person from progressing in the area the wheel symbolizes.
Blocked chakras are not the same as unbalanced chakras. While a closed center means a lack of energy, an unbalanced one represents its overactivity. The unbalanced chakra is associated with the dominance of particular qualities common to the chakra. These qualities are exaggerated, which can lead to emotional and physical problems.
So, what do sessions on reading chakras mean, and what to expect after chakra balancing consultations? This spiritual mentorship helps clients identify the truth about their chakras, which includes their activity and blocked states. Professional readers also assist customers in balancing and opening energy wheels. Moreover, your expert can suggest various practices for chakras healing and cleansing.
A chakra session online is also a comfortable way to gain spiritual balance. It will take only several clicks to approach virtual chakra healers. In addition, online readings are relatively affordable: usually, customers pay $100–$300 for a 1–1.5-hour session.
Best Online Chakra Reading Services
Where to seek experts who know how to read chakras? We suggest checking on the services we have found. These platforms are dependable and can offer many advantages to their clients: introductory minutes, low prices, a variety of psychics, and communication methods.
You can also learn about chakras and try to screen your energy wheels on your own. But we encourage investing in professional assistants if you want a quality result because these experts got their hands in chakra readings.
How Does Online Chakra Reading Work?
If you decide to give yourself an energy health check, you should first learn how the consultations on chakra balancing work.
- The very first step involves choosing the right aura reader. You should carefully analyze websites and their experts, paying particular attention to reviews, pricing, communication methods, etc.
- Once you have chosen a resource and made an appointment for an online meeting with an adviser, you must prepare for a chakras reading session. This stage includes a kind of introspection. If you decide to turn to the chakra reader, then something is definitely bothering you. You should look inside yourself and find out what exactly is going wrong in your life. We advise you to write down the problems on a piece of paper so that you can read them during a consultation. You can do this in the form of a table, where one column will indicate the life sphere that is undergoing deteriorating changes and, in the other, what problems have arisen in this sphere.
Also, before the session, we advise you to prepare mentally. Fill your mind with the thought that you deserve and WILL get good spiritual help. If you are closed, it will be difficult for your reader to analyze your aura and energy centers.
- During the consultation, the reader will use a variety of methods to read your chakras. The expert can also ask questions regarding your problems to set the correct course for determining the genuine issues with your chakras.
- Ideally, at the end of the session, your expert will outline what is wrong in your spiritual life and suggest ways to change this situation. It usually takes several sessions to heal fully, so your reader can determine a list of tasks you must complete before the next reading to progress in healing.
Types of Chakra Reading

Very often, spiritual counselors turn to the practice of mediumship to determine the state of a person’s chakras. This method means asking for help from the spirits.
Pendulums are very often used in chakra readings to find yes and no answers to questions. Even though a simple answer may not appear to be of much use, it can help you to recognize the root of your troubles. The pendulum, swinging in a specific direction (not without the participation of higher spirits), will point the way to solving the imbalance and blocks of the chakras.
Clairvoyance Group
Clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentients, clairgustance, etc., — are psychic practices that mean a spiritual expert has increased basic senses. These senses allow them to see and feel things on another level. It is also a perfect tool for screening your chakras states.
Without Tools readings
Many chakra readers do not need special equipment to analyze the state of your chakras and aura. They use inner strengths and connections to the universe to help them see the answer to your question.
Chakra readers shed light on your chakras activity, suggest ways to heal and clean your chakras, and find methods to balance your energy wheels.
No! You should only pay for the chakra session, and that’s it. Some psychics offer introductory minutes, which lets you enjoy free sessions with your advisor.
Experienced chakra online experts provide highly accurate readings, while beginners can make many mistakes during divination. Also, the accuracy of your chakra healing consultations depends on your trust level with the psychic. Remember, when you feel no connection with the advisor, you have a low chance of getting the desired result from your session.
Yes, it can! Spiritual consultation on chakra screening is not about place and time but about energy. A skilled advisor will accurately feel your energy field and define its problems even miles away. Thus, virtual consultations are equally effective as conventional meetings.
With online chakra healers, you will not only open your spiritual borders and find solutions to your chakra balancing/opening/cleansing. You will also enjoy affordable session fees and easily accessible services.
Pay attention to reviews since they contain a lot of helpful insights on the true face of a potential source for chakra cleansing. Besides, take into account the services the reader suggests and analyze if they fit your requirements.
Do you wish to unblock your chakras? Or maybe you want to learn practices on chakra cleansing and healing? Then, you should approach professional chakra balancing sources by typing “chakra reading near me” in the Internet search. Also, you can check on the sites we provided in this article. A spiritual energy check-up is not an entertainment service, but an investment into your well-being. If you feel a need for divine assistance, it’s time to delve into chakra reading.

He is the founder of The Allender Center and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, which prepared mental health professionals and helped hundreds of lives to heal their traumas.
Now Dan is working as a spiritual specialist at PsychicHouseOfMagic.