Seeing sudden flashes of light or strange visions after touching your friend’s old pictures? Getting electrical vibrations as you hold your partner’s hand? If you can relate to either of these things or make predictions by initiating physical contact, you might be clairtangent.
Clairtangency, also referred to as psychometry, is the ability to gain insights about past, present, and future by touching or holding objects in the material world. It is a tool practiced by different types of clairs to solve mysteries. Those who analyzed claircognizance define clairtangent ability as closely related to using one’s third eye, or inner vision.
Once a psychic has their third eye open to the world, they have the capacity to tune into the energy of vibrations that surround every living being in the Universe. This energy, according to clair knowing experts, is an archive of everything that ever was. Clairtangents can access the data through psychic touch and pick up on specific energies as they learn to monitor their environment using psychic powers.
Those who study claircognizance usually define clairtangency as a power that allows you to read the signature vibrations of people and places (it is said that even buildings have the energy of the events long gone and can affect the mood of the people living inside). Operating under the accurate assumption that the past is never lost and can still be perceived by a human bio-field, clairtangent individuals may get sudden revelations about a person if they hug them, touch them, or hold their personal belongings.
How does clairtangency work?
So, what is psychometry as it manifests in different psychics? How exactly does it work on different levels of perception? Given that every snapshot, piece of jewelry, or item of clothing emanates particular energy, a clairtangent might trace the vibrations of a thing or place by perceiving these high emissions. Clairtangency is often associated with claircognizance meaning, with some types of clairs insisting only a handful of people on the planet truly possess the ability. It is also believed that clairtangent skills may be hereditary and passed from one generation to the next. As soon as someone with clairtangency powers resonates with the object’s bio-field, they can read its past and share the story of a person or place with those who were seeking answers or other practitioners.
Whenever someone with an extrasensory perception holds an object of interest, they can use their powers to tap into its energy and get specific impressions from its ambiance. There are many channels one can access information from as the vibrations of a photograph or a jewelry piece are revealed. The psychic may be flooded with mental pictures that come to mind or be overwhelmed by sounds, smells, or inexplicable feelings as the reading goes on. This is why the psychometry definition is often tied to the energy imprints that are left on things and places that we visit throughout the day.
As psychics study the sensations accompanying an object, they can take a deeper dive into its history or reveal the physical experience behind the thing. Touching someone’s hand can trigger a reaction that includes visual imagery or a particular state of mind allowing the clairtangent to sense the history behind the object.
Do you have clairtangency ability?
There are unmistakable signs that can suggest a clairtangent ability in a psychic. To determine whether your clairtangency powers are active and can be applied in daily life, you may consider some of the aspects below:

- You feel an overload of emotions when holding rocks, crystals, or stones. People that have the ability to sense the vibrations of certain objects feel an intense desire to cleanse their aura or wash their hands when other people’s belongings brush up against them or make close contact. This is the signal their energy field feels suffocated by the amount of information contained in stones. If you feel the urge to escape the room every time someone offers to hold their crystals, this may indicate your clairtangency superpowers.
- You feel emotionally drained or exhausted after touching old furniture. Tables and chairs, just like buildings, have old energy about them that cannot be exterminated even after a thorough cleanse. If you feel your energy levels are depleting whenever you enter specific rooms or touch objects that have been there for centuries, this might be an indication that you can read their past and be affected by the presence of other people’s vibrations.
- Crowded, chaotic places immediately trigger your anxiety. If you have clairtangent abilities, you will experience a natural distaste or aversion towards cluttered spaces. If the objects are in a state of disorder or disarray, this may cause the energies to merge and create discomfort for psychics that have to decode the hidden meaning behind old things and objects with a long history. This can also be true for those who experience sudden headaches in antique stores or boutiques, where the emotions that accompany various objects can be too complex.
- You have an occasional urge to remove certain objects from your living space. The psychometry definition says that clair knowing abilities can manifest in people who can sense the nature of things after they purchase them for their home or as a gift to friends and family. If the claircognizance meaning is true and psychics can indeed perceive the vibrations concealed in material objects, this can explain some people’s inability to keep things that hold a lot of memories or can be passed from generation to generation as the bio-fields around these objects are too intense.
How to develop clairtangency?
Some of us may have innate clairtangent abilities that become dormant as we grow up. However, there are telltale signs that can help us develop clairtangent powers. With these tricks, you will have a chance to increase your psychometric skills and read objects and places that have an impressive history:

- Touch different objects as you go about your day. This may be an obvious tip, but it is guaranteed to help you develop clairtangency without having to attend psychic seminars or lectures online. Specialists recommend starting with simple items like pencils and pens. You can later move on to something more complicated, like furniture or houses, to see if you can read memories associated with the place.
- Keep a dream journal to help you memorize the symbols. Our dreams are a reflection of our waking life that is manifested in the realm beyond our known. If you can analyze the symbolic meanings in dreams, chances are you can connect the dots and understand this world better as you walk in the third dimension. Clairtangents, just like other psychics that work with subtle energies, can empower their abilities by tapping into the realm of the spiritual.
- Study your emotions and pick up on sensitive energies. Whenever you hold an object that has historical significance or enter a place with vibrant memories surrounding it, notice the sensations triggered at that very moment. How does the ability to study things through touch affect your rational mind? Have you ever wanted to distance yourself from certain places or items? By monitoring your emotional state, you will find it easier to strengthen your psychic touch and differentiate between certain energies. By relaxing your mind and recording the surrounding vibrations, you let all the restrictions and blocks wash away to reveal your true nature.
- Open your chakras and improve your intuition. You may know that chakras are responsible for regulating our emotional and mental state of being. The third eye chakra that can be found in the center of our forehead is the one that reigns over our psychic powers and what many call the sixth sense. As we meditate and do yoga daily, we become more empowered and able to detect subtle vibrations hidden behind the outer appearance of things. Crystals and breathing exercises may also be of help when trying to improve our mental well-being.
- Conduct a test to determine if your clairtangent skills have been activated. If you don’t have enough time to work with crystals and precious stones guiding you on your spiritual journey, you can ask a friend to conduct a brief test. To achieve the best outcome, allow them to pick the item you are not familiar with or have a vague memory of. As they hold it in their hands, start touching the object and try to monitor the sensations that flood your mind. Different types of clairs may detect different energies surrounding the item.
If you are still unsure whether your clairtangent abilities are the real deal, keep a journal to analyze the emotional side of the psychic experiment. Do not let the first attempts make you lose spirit as mastering clairtangency takes time and effort.