“Knowing things” and feeling you are already familiar with the subject without ever coming across it is not only about book nerds and wonder children. What does claircognizant mean? Claircognizance definition is the term that describes such a power. People with claircognizance powers know the answers to questions without thinking about a topic. They can immediately say who calls you, even when they are not familiar with the person.
Although such spiritual abilities as clairaudience, clairvoyance, сlairgustance or pendulum readings sound more appealing and exciting, claircognizance is harder to develop. Those who are able to master it will be able to make accurate divination without much energy spending.
Clear thinking is an intuitive ability that involves perceiving information beyond the reach of the typical human five senses that lets a person know things beforehand.
10 Signs Of Claircognizance Ability
Do you feel you could be a great claircognizant, but don’t know how to prove you possess such powers? Then keep in mind the following claircognizance signs because they definitely point to your hidden psychic skills.

- It’s easier for you to learn from written words. Claircognizance is inevitably linked to the learning of an old-school type — through books, articles, and other written texts. You can’t rely on this factor only. However, combined with the following signs, it can indicate you are a claircognizant.
- You always find solutions to problems. If your intuition and assumptions are always correct, it’s likely you have unrecognized claircognizance abilities. Coming up with uncanny solutions is a sign of psychic powers.
- Thinking is your favorite pastime. Clear knowers spend hours reflecting on various issues and aspects of our life. Thus, they develop logic and common sense that often bring flashes of insights on puzzling topics.
- Is interrupting your bad habit? This point doesn’t describe rude, selfish people who always want to be at the center of attention and, thus, interrupt everyone to show off. However, if you keep doing it without bad intentions but are willing to show you already know something, although you have no clue how you could learn this or that information, you can be a claircognizant. You just know how your interlocutor is going to end their sentence.
- Your intuition gives you many hunches when someone’s lying. People with clear knowing abilities can easily find out insincerity. They play the role of the Promethea of truth when the rest of the people get fooled by dishonest antagonists.
- You like writing. Not often do you enjoy reading, but also you find it engaging to write on your own. People with claircognizance powers are usually masters of the word. If you like writing, you need to be an excellent soul reader. It helps develop clear knowledge.
- You are an empath. Besides, claircognizance can clearly feel someone’s emotions, identifying whether they are in pain, suffering, grief, happiness, or love. This feature is inherent to all kinds of psychic readers because all spiritual guides have to be able to analyze clients’ energies and make connections with their inner worlds.
- You play the role of a guide to your friends, relatives, etc. Your ability to always choose the correct answer and identify appropriate decisions makes your surroundings consider you a potential life guide for them. People rely on your strong gut feeling and cold mind.
- You can actually predict possible outcomes. You can be a potential clear knower if you often forecast events and their consequences with the help of intuition and logical reasoning, the principal features of claircognizance. Upcoming occurrences are not a big secret to you since your abilities let you look behind the curtains of the future.
- Self-learning is your top preference. Choosing to learn things on your own is one of the claircognizance’s characteristics. Persons with clear knowing powers do not recognize the traditional education system, considering it a limitation of human knowledge and inner potential. Thus, many claircognizance takes their learning process into their own hands, thus letting their natural powers come into force.
How to develop claircognizance?
Claircognizance powers don’t come out of the blue, although some people may inherit this gift from their ancestors. There are some trusty tools that will stimulate your incipient claircognizance abilities and make them move in the right direction.
The first reliable way is to exploit pendulums. A pendulum is a small object, like a stone or a crystal, tied to a chain, cord, etc. You take the pendulum in one hand and focus on the burning question. A pendulum will swing on in a certain way, giving you a Yes or No answer.
You don’t need a lot of money for this type of dowsing. You can buy a pendulum at a spiritual shop, where you can find them made of wood or crystal. Also, you can DIY it.
The crucial thing about pendulums is that the crystal should feel well in your hand, fitting your energy. You can select a crystal that matches your month of birth, or use a stone that holds the strongest and warmest memories. For example, you can use a little pebble you took while going to your favorite forest that became your place of power.
Automatic writing is also a great way to develop claircognizance. Ask yourself a question and let your hand write. You should not think about the answer: your subconscious mind will do it for you. It may seem a bit silly, but it boosts your chances of gaining these psychic powers quickly.
Other great tips are meditating and spending time alone. These practices let you become closer to yourself, which is essential for psychic readers.
Final thoughts
The spiritual ability of claircognizance is exceptional. It implies knowing things before being aware of them. Many people wonder how to develop claircognizance. They assume it’s impossible unless you have a claircognizant among your ancestors. However, you can improve your chances of becoming a professional by doing the things mentioned above.