Clairaudience is a rare form of psychic power in which the psychic can perceive sounds that transcend the physical world. The information received by the psychic can be interpreted as mediumship since the voices can belong to spirits, angels, departed loved ones, and the divine. Clairaudience meaning usually implies the psychic is hearing voices from the outside world (external clairaudience) or a voice inside their head (internal clairaudience).
So, what is clairaudience on a larger scale? Clairaudience definition may vary depending on the type of powers a psychic obtains through hearing voices. Some report hearing familiar sounds or voices that belong to souls that passed away, while others claim that the noises are not human in origin. Clairaudience gift can also manifest in dream discussions where the psychic talks to a spirit while sleeping. Clairaudients have the ability to control their experiences and even moderate them so that the messages are only heard when guidance is needed.
How does clairaudience power work?
Knowing that clairaudients receive insights in the form of noises and sounds, you might want to ask yourself: what does clairaudience mean, and how does it work? Psychics with a similar gift are attuned to hearing guidance from the spirit realm. They will tap into the energy source and help you connect with the souls of loved ones as they articulate questions relevant to the asker.
For the most part, clairaudience works as a type of divination, which is sometimes linked to telepathy and hearing other people’s thoughts. Considering the complexity of the clairaudience definition, it can be classified as a nuanced psychic ability that occasionally acts as a problem-solving tool. Clairaudients will define other people’s aura by hearing a voice in their head saying the word. There are psychics that describe the clairaudience experience as an enriching one, with the voices they hear giving them directions or revelations.
Do you have clairaudience ability?
There are some telltale clairaudience signs that will help you understand that you have the ability of someone who can work with their clairaudient gift:

You talk to yourself
Now, having an inner voice that uses logical reasoning is something that we all possess. However, clairaudient abilities are different from what one would call conversations with yourself as you are talking out loud just to vent your emotions. Instead, you often engage in discussions that result in getting insights that you did not expect or revelations that have nothing to do with your inner monologue, as if someone else was giving commentary on your life.
You hear someone say your name
If you ever tried to find a clairaudience definition to determine whether you have it, think of the times you heard someone call out to you even if there was no one else in the house. Clairaudient signals can also come in the form of hushed voices, whispers, or echoes that belong to another dimension. Psychics are certain that clairaudience is not always about clear, distinct voices: you might hear someone talking in a tone that is barely discernible.
You need alone time to recharge
For some clairaudients, loud gatherings are a source of extreme discomfort. If you find yourself trying to get away from a noisy group or jumping involuntarily when you hear people yell at the top of their lungs, this might be one of the clairaudience signs. High sensitivity to sound is often associated with psychic hearing. Such people need alone time so they can sit in silence and receive information from the spirit realm.
You hear ringing in your ears
Buzzing in your ears when you are clairaudient has nothing to do with certain medical conditions that might be the reason you experience a high-pitched ringing before you go to bed. If you have clairaudience powers, this might be a sign psychic entities or spirits are trying to connect with you. You can ask the spirits to turn down the noise so you can concentrate on the message and decipher the information they are sending your way.
How to develop clairaudience?
While the gift of clairaudience, or psychic hearing, can be an innate one for many people, experts are certain that each and every one of us has a certain degree of clairaudient powers. Here are a few tips on how to develop clairaudience and interpret messages sent to you from the spirit realm:

- Practice listening. Listening to everyday chatter and sounds may be one of the obvious recs on how to develop clairaudience. Still, focusing on what is going on around you as you close your eyes will make you more attuned to sounds that would otherwise escape your notice. As you are doing this, try to discern the nature of the sounds. It will improve your psychic hearing skills and help you separate the voices from the spirit realm from the sounds of the physical world.
- Start asking questions. Every time you wish the spirit to give you clairaudience signs, formulate a question for a higher being or simply declare the request as you start your day. By doing this, you send a message to spirits that you are open to new information. When asking a question, avoiding ones that demand the spirit to reply with yes or no is essential. Try asking for insights or guidance as you structure a request. This leaves the spirit’s answer open to interpretation.
- Engage in meditation. Meditation practice is one of the best ways to improve your clairaudient abilities. It can help you steady the constant flow of thoughts so you can take in the sounds of the Universe. When trying to understand clairaudience meaning and enhance your psychic abilities, there is no right way to meditate. You can either find meditations specifically tailored for clairaudients or simply close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Meditation will allow you to become more receptive to the world of psychic sounds.
- Open your throat chakra. Opening your throat chakra is another method of getting in touch with your clairaudience gift. The simplest way to get to the bottom of this method is by singing. It doesn’t matter whether you have an excellent command of the voice or cannot sing at all. What matters is your ability to sing from the heart. It will help you open your throat chakra, which is directly responsible for communication and listening.