If your olfactory system is tuned into detecting smells that have no physical origin as you are typing “Why do I keep smelling someone’s scent spiritual meaning” on your phone, this might be a key to understanding why different odors communicate with you on a mysterious level. Clairalience meaning, according to a lot of healers, fortune tellers, and psychics can be traced back to extraordinary powers that were not much revered in the past as they were thought to be insignificant. Right now, clairalience is mostly associated with a highly developed sense of smell. When talking about the most obvious clairalience definition, it is a superpower that allows you to form impressions about people and places based on a psychic smell.
Because of clairalience falling on the paranormal end of the spectrum, many associate it with the sixth sense, or heightened intuition. There are people that can reconstruct the events of the past and gaze into the future as they receive information via olfactory channels. A barely distinct smell or an odd feeling that scents are attempting to render specific messages can be attributed to psychic smelling superpowers triggered by odors.
Clair smelling is a skill that can transcend basic human perception and concepts. As an example, psychic smell experts mention the signature odor that belongs to someone that passed away and can still linger as an imprint or a spiritual memory. Your cat’s ability to sense anxiety and detect stress their owners are trying to overcome is another layer of clairalience definition that can help you perceive this spiritual concept.
How does clairalience work?
Depending on the setting of the psychic and the places that they are instinctively attracted to, clairalience as a phenomenon can manifest in different ways. Clairalient skills may be activated as the psychic comes into contact with the spirit world, starts practicing divination, or unknowingly evokes memories of the past when sensing various odors.
Among the list of spiritual smells that can be perceived by the practitioner are:
- Ghostly odors (perfumes and colognes)
- Odors that indicate the presence of higher spirits (roses, myrrh, frankincense)
- Smells that may signal the opening of a fourth dimension portal (a clear smell of ozone)
In all of these cases, a psychic smell is going to be used as a tool to relay information or an important message.
Clairalience may be occasionally accompanied by another psychic power known as clairgustance (the ability to sense tastes randomly). Unlike experiencing things on a physical plane, clairalient skills are delivered to the human realm from other worlds, memories, and higher spirits. Spiritual smells and their meanings resonate with the frequencies of the Universe, causing these vibrations to illuminate valuable insights and future revelations. It may sound too extraordinary to be true, but psychics are certain that analyzing a single smell can provide humans with an immense storage of useful data about an individual’s life.
A psychic reading may reveal a different clairalience meaning for people that requested a session with an advisor. If you start smelling freshly baked bread in the middle of a work conference, it can indicate your future profession, natural inclination, or the importance of preserving traditions that run in the family.
Do you have clairalience ability?
Despite there being no universal way to determine whether you have a clair smelling gift and can receive insights through psychic smells, you can still assess some of the signs that are associated with clairalience and an intuitive sense of scent:

- You can smell the signature scent of a deceased individual. If you start randomly perceiving smells that belong to the soul that already passed away, this might be an indicator of clairalient powers. There are people who report instances of smelling a particular perfume or a cigarette brand that the deceased person loved during their time on earth. In most cases, sensing these smells creates a warm, comforting feeling of your loved ones watching over you, acting as your guardians in the third dimension.
- You can instantly determine the scents that no one else perceives. If you have ever been out with friends or family and felt as if you smelled something unusual, you are not alone in this experience. Those who possess the powers of clairalience often complain about unnatural smells their sixth sense perceives as they arrive at a certain place or enter a building. This can be explained by the heightened sense of intuition and being able to perceive messages that are delivered from the spiritual realm. The psychics recommend taking note of the smell that caused the confusion so that you can learn more about it later.
- You can experience random fits of sneezing that cannot be explained. You are probably aware of sneezing fits that are supposed to remind us someone in our social circle is thinking about us day and night. However, constant sneezing may also be a sign of clairalience as you become highly sensitive to the odors around you. Psychics are certain that on some occasions, sneezing that just won’t stop may be a message our guardian angels or spirit guides are trying to send in the physical realm. Figuring out what sneezing means can be done in a particular context, with our spirits trying to come into contact on a regular basis.
- You can sense odors that are confusing or do not match the environment you are in. There are psychics telling stories of how they managed to smell intense cigar smoke in a kid’s store or a mint mouthwash in the middle of a renowned bakery. Usually, there are no rational explanations behind this perception except for the fact that someone is trying to establish an attempt at communication, which can be a part of the clairalience definition.
Psychics with clairalient abilities are not limited to physical smells only: they can sense the emotions of a particular person or describe the way they feel just based on their olfactory sense alone. Psychic experts claim that you need to monitor the occasions that allow you to use your extrasensory perception to define the limits of your abilities and the potential to reveal more.
How to develop clairalience?
Studying a list of spiritual smells to determine whether you have the skills of a true clairalient is a long process that can be hardly beneficial if you are running out of time and have the ability inherently. Some of us already have the talent to detect psychic smells in our genes, while others require guidance to walk in the right direction.
There are also psychics who are just beginning the journey of empowering their perception of the spiritual realm. If this is the case, your psychic inclinations can be heightened by using the tips below. They are simple yet effective and will not require much time to get familiar with your new role as a psychic that can perceive odors in an unusual way:

- Meditate daily to protect your energy. Regular meditations cause our minds to relax, which in turn opens our third eye chakra and helps us connect with our intuition, responsible for detecting smells that surround us as we go to work and come home at night.
- Quit unhealthy lifestyle and smoking habits. Giving up on smoking or any activity that suppresses our natural clairalient abilities is a great option when trying to heighten your intuition and receive a necessary boost to upgrade your understanding of psychic smells. It is known that smoking, just like other hobbies that deplete our energy levels, is a serious impediment for those who would rather work on their clairalient abilities.
- Visualize smells and smell more things. If you start to think about the objects that are characterized by a particular smell, this can be an answer to the issues that arise once you decide to become a full-time clairalient. There are psychics that suggest smelling more things will make you recognize their signature odor wherever you go.
- Start gaining practice in clairalience. If you are not sure where to start when it comes to developing your clairalient ability, ask your friends to assist you with the challenge. Have them sit in front of you and take a deep breath. You can later attempt to sense their individual odor and predict the mood they are in. Although the practice does not guarantee immediate results, it will be easier for you to draw parallels between the spiritual world and our realm.
- Use crystals to align chakras. Crystals are a powerful tool in meditation, but they can also accelerate the third eye opening and act as stimulants when you step into the world of psychic abilities. You have to accept your gift and make sure your spiritual energy is in perfect balance to live harmoniously.