People often worry about what kinds of questions to ask a medium. Right questions may help your expert in spiritual reading.
It doesn’t matter whether your questions are about love, health, friends, etc. They should be clear and well-thought-out. They should come from your very heart, being guidance for your reader.

10 Best Common Questions to Ask a Psychic
If you don’t have a particular topic to discuss with a spiritual master and, thus, have no specific questions, you need to think about your general feelings and experiences. You can always address your reader with typical questions that concern various aspects of your life. The top 10 common questions may include the following:
- When will I meet a husband/wife?
- When will I find a decent job?
- Will I be wealthy? If yes, how soon will it happen?
- When will I become a parent?
- How many children will I have?
- Will I have a severe disease in the future? If yes, what will this disease be?
- What do my relatives/friends/partner think about me?
- Will I have a pivot situation that will change my life, and how soon will it happen?
- Is there something threatening that can happen to me in the near future?
- How can I improve my current financial/relationship/spiritual situation?
It is not the complete list. You can come up with other questions to ask a medium. The most crucial thing is to ask broad questions to get an extensive answer that will leave no doubt.
Best Questions to Ask a Psychic about Love and Relationship
Many people address spiritual readers to learn more about their relationships. This topic excites and frightens at the same time, because being in love makes all of us go crazy. If you wish to know whether you chose the right partner, whether your relationship will last long, or other issues like this, we offer to read the list of best questions to ask psychic about love.
- How can I avoid abusive/toxic partners in relationships if I always attract only this type of person?
- What should I change about my worldview/behavior to save my relationship?
- Is my relationship going to develop into something bigger, and what should I do for this?
- Will I be able to find my ideal match, and how soon?
- Is my partner going to cheat on me, and with who?
- What does my future relationship look like?
- My partner sometimes behaves like (name it). Should I worry about it?
What Questions to Ask Psychics about Family Matters?
Family can bring us joy and hope. But it can also have a devastating impact on our mental health. If you want to overcome challenges in your family life, it’s better to ask a psychic for help. But remember to think up good and clear questions to ask fortune teller. Here, we present some of them.
- What is wrong with me and my parents/partner/child/children that causes so many troubles in our relationship?
- We are not an affectionate house with many constant conflicts. What can I do to prevent my family from collapsing?
- I am losing the connection with my child. What should I do to save a loving relationship between us?
- What do you see about the relationship between my new partner and my child/children?
- What should I know about the family of my partner?
- I feel I differ a lot from my family. What should I do to prevent conflicts on this ground and keep to the chosen path?
- What do I need to do to maintain a healthy, loving atmosphere in my family?
Best Questions to Ask a Psychic about Ex
The most popular things to ask the psychic also include questions about ex-partners. Many people can’t get over a breakup and hope to date their old flame again. A love psychic reader can assist you in your ex-amore business. Your task is to ask the right questions to stimulate your expert’s insights.
- Will I and my ex be together, and is it even worth starting the relationship again?
- Was my ex happy about our breakup, and why?
- What was the real reason we split up?
- How to erase the ex from my memory?
- I feel I will never be able to forget my ex and meet a true partner. What should I do to move forward and feel alive again?
- Has my ex-lover met a new love, and how much happier is he/she with them?
Good Questions to Ask a Psychic about Health
While it’s crucial to visit doctors regularly to check your health, a good psychic reader can also provide you with a wellness analysis. To help your spiritual specialist see any health imbalances or disruptions in your energetic field, you need to ask them the right questions.
- How are the life problems and various traumas (name them) connected with the health issues I have now?
- What changes do I need to make to improve my well-being?
- What should I change about my mindset that influences my physical health?
- How can I improve my diet to reduce the pain?
- How does communication with certain people who make me feel emotionally drained exhaust my physical health?
- What should I do to clean up my energetic field?
Questions to ask a Psychic about Career and Finances
The financial situation affects a lot of other aspects of our life. It can ruin the relationship, deteriorate the health and leave no chance for a happy future. The wrong or unsuccessful career can damage our mental health by taking away all emotional resources. To keep life in balance, you can address the medium for help. Here are good questions to ask career psychic medium about your financial life.
- What to do if I feel my job doesn’t bring me any satisfaction?
- What do my colleagues and boss think about me?
- What is awaiting me if I take this job offer?
- What is the best way for me to uplift financially?
- What are the consequences if I start dealing with investments?
- What is my financial path?
- Is that a good idea to begin a new business?
Questions to ask a psychic about the future?
The majority of questions clients put to their spiritual readers concern the future. This “future” covers various life aspects. The types of questions we illustrated above are also future-based. In case you don’t know what to ask fortune teller about the future, you can check some ideas below:
- Should I expect any tragedy in my life?
- What adventures are awaiting me in my life?
- In what ways do you see me becoming a famous person?
- What is it better for me to do to live a long, happy life?
- How will I know I have found my life’s purpose?
- What are the best options for me to hit the jackpot?
- Where is it better to look for a soulmate?
Questions to ask a psychic about pregnancy?
All people planning to have a baby worry a lot about possible obstacles during pregnancy. Doctors can analyze your physical state, whether you are ready to have children, whether you have any disease that can ruin your expectations, etc. However, a fertility or pregnancy psychic reader can give you a more detailed insight into your future almost-parental phase. Check the best pregnancy questions for psychics.
- What kinds of events and people should I avoid to get no problems with hormonal health during the pregnancy?
- Is there any possibility of miscarriages for me, and how to avoid them?
- Will pregnancy drastically change my relationship with a partner? If yes, what is the possible level of a breakup?
- How will pregnancy affect my personal life and career?
- What is the best time for me to get pregnant?
- My doctors said there is a low chance of dying while delivering a baby. But I worry it can happen. What do you see about it?
- What things to remove from my routine to have a more balanced life in the future?
Questions to ask a psychic about past life?
Although some people can be skeptical about a past-life notion, some cultures believe in reincarnation. Past-life traumas and events can cause fear and anxiety in our current life. You can meditate on these issues or turn to psychic help. We offer to look at example questions to ask a psychic to solve this past-life challenge.
- What was I doing in my past life? My occupation, for instance.
- How did I die in the past?
- Do you see whether I achieved some significance in my past life? Maybe I was a famous person?
- Where to look for traits of my past life?
- What mistakes (if any) have I made in the past life that could ruin my career, relationship, etc.?
- How high are the chances of making the same mistakes I made in the past life?
What not to ask a psychic?
You may wonder whether there are any sacral prohibited questions you can’t ask your medium. Well, there is nothing like this unless you begin asking him/her uncomfortable questions concerning personal life. But there are certain types of questions you should avoid.
- Yes/no questions. If you put short-ended questions to the reader, you will probably remain unsatisfied after your spiritual session. Firstly, knowing that something will happen doesn’t explain how to make or not to make this happen. Secondly, your medium won’t have enough space for analyzing you. So, better choose open questions that will reveal everything you need.
- Reassurance question. If you already know your decision but need approving foresight from a psychic expert, you might end up disappointed. For example, you want to apply for one job desperately. You already monitored everything about your dream company. You are determined to work there. Then you ask your reader for a decision assistance. And he/she says your job won’t be fruitful. Mediums are not always correct, so your expert can make a mistake. And you can refuse from your life’s goal.
Besides, some mediums may not answer certain questions. For example, what number to choose in a lottery or something like this. You can always ask your spiritual expert if there is anything they aren’t allowed to reveal.
How to use the answers from your psychic session?
Imagine you received answers to all your questions. What’s next? To make those answers work for you, follow this little guide:
- Write down the answers and analyze them. For example, think about events and actions that may lead to such a result.
- Make a plan on how to achieve or avoid the foresighted consequences. Imagine your medium said you would get a job at a famous company. To make it come true, compile a detailed plan of actions you should take to get it. Decide what experience you have to obtain for the desired position, what people you need to contact, etc.
- Follow your plan! For instance, you were told you can get in accident while driving near a local park. Then, you have to avoid driving there. Of course, one day, you may need to go to that place by vehicle, but such preventive steps can reduce the possibility of a dramatic future.
Some tips on getting the most from your psychic sessions
Spiritual sessions depend not only on your expert but on you as well. To make your spiritual experience effective, make sure to do these things:
- Be honest
Your sincerity will help your medium see more about you and thus provide a better reading.
- Focus on the problem
You need to clear your mind and focus only on your questions. Then you and your medium can increase the energy to reveal the truth.
- Relax
Your tension will create additional obstacles to reading your life. It can lead to false or blurred vision.
- Be attentive
Be very attentive to the answers. The smallest detail can play a key role in your next steps to achieve your desired future.
How to find the right psychic for you?
Selecting the best psychic reader for you is crucial since when you like the expert and trust him/her, you can build a strong connection with the person and, thus, receive the most reliable outcome from reading sessions.
To find the right spiritual expert, you need to include these steps in your reading preparation:
- Read the profiles of available mediums and choose the one you like. Choose the expert who has the reading skills you prefer for spiritual sessions.
- Check the reviews on the reader’s work or ask for feedback from your friends who may have used his/her services.
- After the first meeting with a reader, ask yourself how you feel about your medium. Did you like the expert and their aura? If you feel the slightest doubt, refuse from the service and look for another psychic reader. There should be no tension between you and your psychic if you want an excellent result.
We hope our article helped you with choosing questions for a psychic. Remember, your questions should come from the bottom of your heart and mind!