Every person, at least once in their life, has thought about what will happen to them after death. Some prefer to believe in reincarnation, others — in parallel magical worlds where we can start anew. Very often, people associate the afterlife with the hell & heaven concept from the Bible. But what do mediums believe happens after death — professionals who can approach the unknown ghost world during their psychic reading sessions?
Explanation of astral projection and its connection to the afterlife
When you decide to dig deeper into what do spirits say about the afterlife, you will often come across the term “astral projection”.
According to supporters of the astral projection notion, the astral body can explore different planes of existence or dimensions beyond the physical realm. This concept is rooted in various spiritual and esoteric traditions, including ancient mystical teachings, occult practices, and certain belief systems, such as Theosophy and New Age spirituality.
Astral projection is not that much connected with what happens when you die. It describes the out-of-body experience — when your spirit leaves your body when you sleep or meditate, taking a glimpse of the otherworldly realm. However, it also happens when people are clinically dead but then come to life.
Now, you know what mediums say about the afterlife. And what about the scientific circle? What happens when you die scientifically? Some medical studies show that people who experienced the near-death case commonly saw a tunnel with a mystical light while feeling very positive emotions. Some patients say that colors in the astral world were much brighter, and there were even colors they have never seen before. Besides, there were cases when people, having died clinically during surgery and left their bodies, could see themselves lying on the medical table and doctors conducting operations.
Exploration of the concept of reincarnation and its relevance to the afterlife
“What do spiritualists believe happens after death in terms of reincarnation?” — Well, experts have different opinions about it. First things first: the belief in reincarnation is tightly connected with the religious belief of psychics since all religions have different views on this concept. In Christianity, there is no such aspect at all: reincarnation exists mostly in the “East” religions.
- Some psychics keep to the belief that people can reincarnate into people, others assume you can take totally different forms – a cat, a grass, water. The supporters of such Indian religions as Sikhism believe that our deeds in this life define what we will become in the afterlife: the worse your deeds are, the ”lower” being you will become.
- According to the concept of reincarnation, the cycle continues indefinitely until the soul achieves a state of spiritual enlightenment, liberation, or fulfillment, depending on the belief system. The specific goal may differ, such as reaching Nirvana in Buddhism or attaining union with God in Hinduism. The process of reincarnation is often seen as an opportunity for personal growth, learning, and spiritual evolution.
- Islam refutes reincarnation as well, stating that there is only one birth for every soul, which will go either to hell or to heaven after death.
However, all mediums and the afterlife researchers will agree that reincarnation is about transferring one energy into another.
Mediums talk about afterlife as reincarnation in terms of other several aspects, too:

- Eternal Soul or Consciousness. Reincarnation assumes the existence of an eternal aspect of an individual, often referred to as the soul or consciousness. This soul is believed to be distinct from the physical body and is considered immortal.
- Karma. It’s interesting to learn what mediums say about life after death in terms of karma. Karma is another key aspect associated with reincarnation. It refers to the accumulated actions, intentions, and moral choices made by an individual in their current and past lives. The consequences of these actions, both positive and negative, are believed to shape the circumstances of the next incarnation. In other words, how a person behaves and lives in one life will influence their experiences in future lives.
- Transmigration. Reincarnation suggests that after death, the soul leaves the body and enters a new one. The nature of reincarnation is determined by factors such as the soul’s accumulated karma, desires, and spiritual development.
Perspectives from psychics on the existence and nature of heaven and hell
What do spiritualists believe happens after death — do you face the gates to heaven and hell? It’s worth saying first that medium spiritual experts believe in the existence of both heaven and hell as distinct realms or states of consciousness. They perceive heaven as a higher vibrational plane or dimension associated with love, peace, and spiritual growth. Hell, on the other hand, is often seen as a lower vibrational realm characterized by negative energy, suffering, and spiritual discord.

Nature of Heaven
- Animals in heaven. Spiritual guides do agree that animals (particularly pets) also come to heaven, although the experts may have different perspectives on it. While some believe that you can meet your animal friends when you die, others state that there is a separate heaven for pets.
- Unbreakable relationship. What do psychics say about the afterlife in terms of heavenly marriage? Well, spiritualists say that in paradise, there are no such types of relationships we are used to. There are no divorces and break-ups (what the heaven it would be, then?!), as well as there, are no marriages and dating. Instead, you will get an unbreakable bond with your soulmate and other significant ones.
Nature of Hell
- Suffer. According to psychics, hell is a realm where souls experience varying degrees of suffering, anguish, or negative consequences based on their actions and spiritual evolution.
- Unique. Heaven is different for every person, and the same goes for hell. Those souls who end up being in the underworld will be punished according to their sins.
Some psychics also say there is an intermediate realm or transitional state between heaven and hell. These realms may serve as spaces for souls to reflect, heal, and resolve unsettled issues before moving on to their next spiritual journey.
Discussion on psychics’ encounters with negative entities or dark energies in the afterlife
Mediums communicating with the dead often report interacting with different entities or energies during their spiritual encounters. Some psychics assert that the afterlife is not solely populated by benevolent spirits or positive energies, but also encompasses entities or energies that can be described as negative or dark. What do spirits say about the afterlife?
- These dark energies vary in nature and intensity.
What do spirits say about the afterlife when it comes to negative energies? Some psychics claim to have encountered restless spirits trapped in a state of turmoil, while others describe encounters with malevolent beings that actively seek to cause harm or instill fear. These experiences are said to involve feelings of unease, heaviness, or even confrontations with these entities.
- Karmic consequences of your deeds
What do mediums believe happens after death? Spiritual experts also propose that these negative entities may be related to the concept of karmic repercussions, where souls face the consequences of their actions in previous lives. These encounters may serve as lessons or opportunities for soul growth and transformation. The negative entities might represent aspects of one’s unresolved karma or serve as mirrors reflecting unhealed parts of the individual’s consciousness.
- Breaking the Cycle
What do psychics say about the afterlife when you encounter negative energies? It can be seen as a chance to break negative karmic patterns. By confronting and transforming these energies, individuals have the potential to transcend lower vibrational states and progress toward liberation or enlightenment.
Psychics and afterlife mediums often employ techniques for protection and cleansing to guard against negative encounters. These techniques can include visualization, prayer, invoking divine protection, or working with specific rituals or tools aimed at warding off negative energies.
The afterlife is a realm of existence where the soul continues its journey beyond the physical body. Psychics who support the afterlife concept believe in the survival of consciousness, the presence of spirit guides, the process of life review, and the potential for continued growth and learning.
What do psychics say about heaven? Well, for everyone, heaven looks different, depending on what your soul strives for. It’s a place where no suffering and pain exist. In heaven, you can finally meet the loved ones who have passed away and feel your heart at peace.
God will greet you in the form you picture him. Mostly, people imagine him as a gray-haired man, but he can appear as a young woman, a little child, a bright shining substance, a breath of wind — He will choose the form He knows you will be the most comfortable with.
Do mediums believe in heaven and hell? Yes, and no. Some specialists prefer to picture the afterlife as another soul journey in parallel worlds. Others opt for a more standard belief in hell and heaven. But all afterlife mediums agree that after death, you will need to pay for your sins.