What can be worse than knowing that your love life can be improved but having no tools to mend your wounded heart? A love tarot spread can show you the way out of a romantic limbo and help you gain a clear understanding of what a romantic relationship ought to be like. Every relationship tarot spread made with good intentions contains intuitive messages about your prospects. When doing a love reading tarot spread, it becomes easier to understand how much you are ready to invest in your partnership and whether the two of you are destined to stay together.
Before you engage in love spreads tarot, make sure you remember the cards that you pull out of the deck. Keeping a track record of your tarot spread for love, you can break down the patterns haunting you in a relationship or analyze how your feelings evolved. It is essential to center yourself before doing tarot love spreads for maximum objectivity. As a relationship spread tarot reading unfolds, ensure you have cleansed your space with crystals for effective interaction with love cards. Love reading tarot sessions help us determine the underlying issues in our relationships, which is why expert tarologists do not recommend pulling more cards if you are not satisfied with the result. Being open to whatever outcome love spread tarot cards have in store, we learn a little something about our desires, wants, and needs.
1. General love spread

In love reading tarot practices, a three-card general spread is used to perform regular check-ins. It is a straightforward spread that makes you reflect on your partnership’s future and your current status as a couple. If you already have a crush, this spread will be divided into three equally important parts: the first card will reflect your feelings, the second card will represent your partner, and the third card will assess your potential as a couple.
Pulling Temperance means you have to seek balance and security when looking for your significant other. You may see a side of your partner that previously remained in the shadows if the next card you pull is the High Priestess. If this is the card that represents your partner, classic spreads for love suggest a creative, spiritual connection between the individuals. The Hierophant pulled as a third card suggests that your future together is almost certain, and your meeting was written in the stars. It is a card of consistency that represents true love that doesn’t fade with time.
- Card 1: Your energy and status in a relationship
- Card 2: Your partner’s involvement in a relationship
- Card 3: The future of your relationship and the direction it will take
2. Past, present, future love spread

If the general tarot love spread left some questions unanswered, you can challenge the cards by adding a twist to the three-card layout. The past, present, and future love spread might be the glue that will hold your relationship together. Those who don’t mind connecting dots in their relationship will also find the spread helpful. The past card will provide a deep dive into the background of your relationship.
The present card will shine more light on influences at work, as well as high energies that keep your partnership balanced. The future card in tarot love spread is a chance to make changes and see the outcome of your romantic union. If you pull out a card that does not match your vision of an ideal alliance, you should not try to change the card layout in a future love tarot spread. The Three of Pentacles, as a future card in a tarot relationship spread, may indicate that the two of you will become creative collaborators, a prospect that is not necessarily romantic.
- Card 1: Past of the relationship
- Card 2: A current status of the relationship
- Card 3: Future of the relationship
3. Upgrade your love life spread

Those who are unhappy with their love life can try this love tarot spread to assess their potential. Any discontent related to your current status as a dissatisfied single can be changed by overcoming a set of obstacles. The first card in this relationship tarot spread recaps your situation, while the second one illuminates possible challenges that impede your romantic progress.
By adding cards 3, 4, and 5 to your love reading tarot spread, you can see the kind of action that needs to be taken to resolve the issue. Through focused, detailed effort, this can bring improvements to the way you view yourself romantically. The three cards that you pull at the end symbolize the action plan that will help you boost your passions and become a better version of yourself as you remove various obstacles and blocks.
- Card 1: What your love life looks like right now
- Card 2: Blocks on your way to happiness
- Card 3: What you can do to improve your love life
4. Meeting your love interest spread

This love reading tarot spread is guaranteed to help you meet your crush without having to make considerable changes. The first card in this love reading tarot spread indicates the type of relationship that will bring fulfillment to your private life. Narrowing down the options can be valuable if you are lost among the myriad of choices. The second card determines the looks of your future crush. Are they tall? Do they have tattoos? This will help you instantly recognize your potential love interest before you start dating.
The third card is a symbol of changes, telling you about your weaknesses and hidden issues. The next card in tarot love spreads for attracting love is always one of assistance. Here, you will get tips on where you can meet your partner and assess the chances of a future romance. Lastly, the card that you pull out at the end of a love spreads tarot session is the card of advice and recommendation that can be used to interact with your love interest to get their attention.
- Card 1: The goal of your future relationship
- Card 2: What your love may look like
- Card 3: Things to be mindful of when meeting your crush
- Card 4: Tips on where to find your love interest
- Card 5: Advice on how to act with your interest
5. Balance in a relationship love spread

This tarot love spread is perfect if you need to shake things up and restore passion in your relationship. As you conduct this tarot relationship spread, a great deal of skeletons will be removed from your closet. Why do you ignore your wants and needs to please your significant other? Do you invest way too much energy in a partnership that seems to have run its course? After the love spread reading is over, you will be given tips on how to create more harmony in your relationship. The last card that you pull will tell you about your partner’s reaction to future changes and their readiness to make things right.
- Card 1: In what ways does your relationship feel off?
- Card 2: How are you overstressing yourself in a relationship?
- Card 3: How can you bring things back to normal?
- Card 4: How will your partner respond to these changes?
6. Compatibility love spread

In this tarot spread for love, cards form a cross that illustrates the dynamic existing between the partners. Cards 1 and 2 will help you understand how you and your other half perceive your romantic alliance. Card 3 is one to determine the overall vibe of the relationship. Do you think of your dating history as a kind of battlefield where you are destined to come up with schemes to make it work? Do you find it easier to submit to your partner rather than take responsibility? If there are issues present, it is the third card that will determine all the major influences in your love life. Card 4 will reflect any possible difficulties you will come across assessing the prospects of your partnership (anxiety, worries, or anything causing stress or blocking progress). Card 5 can be interpreted as a source of tension, as well as the future of your romance.
- Card 1: How you feel about a relationship
- Card 2: Your partner’s attitude to a relationship
- Card 3: A defining characteristic of your relationship (card placed in the center)
- Card 4: Challenges in a relationship (card placed under card 3)
- Card 5: The future of your relationship (card placed above card 3)
7. Stay or leave relationship spread

Staying with someone potentially harmful to your well-being or exiting a relationship that no longer works is always challenging. Stay or leave love reading tarot spread can be difficult, especially if you are not sure whether your partnership will work out. On the bright side, this love spread will offer you a dive into your subconscious, hiding the truth that you are running from. The reading will offer a choice of two potential futures: the one that becomes possible with your partner’s presence or the one that suggests leaving your current relationship. The last card contains valuable information that can be used as a guide for any future partnerships.
- Card 1: Your future as a couple in a relationship
- Card 2: Your future in a relationship
- Card 3: Your future as a couple if you leave
- Card 4: Your future if you leave
- Card 5: Relationship advice
8. Reconciliation love spread

This love spread tarot reading will help you define problematic aspects of your relationship. Once you do this spread and maintain a clear head while performing the reading, you will notice how you and your partner are contributing to conflict resolution in a relationship and what needs to be changed for your alliance to work. It can be hard to find a deeper reasoning behind the argument, so the cards come to the rescue. The last card in the reconciliation spread will indicate the best possible outcome for a conflict situation.
- Card 1: What is the main cause of arguments in a relationship?
- Card 2: How do I contribute to the argument?
- Card 3: What does my partner do that escalates the conflict?
- Card 4: What do I feel during an argument?
- Card 5: What are the necessary changes for conflict resolution?
9. Love and infatuation relationship spread

This is a tarot love spread that draws a clear distinction between love and temporary obsession. Losing yourself in either of these feelings is not unusual: humanity has been mistaking one for the other since the dawn of time. Love and lust spread gives us enough space to assess our feelings as we enter a relationship. Regular check-ins with your partner will allow you to revisit the emotional side of your alliance and finish detangling your thoughts. Doing this tarot spread several times a month is a great way to monitor your responses and make sure you are truly in love.
- Card 1: Do I fall in love easily?
- Card 2: Do I distract myself with love to avoid problems?
- Card 3: Do my partner’s values align with mine?
- Card 4: Does this relationship bring me joy if the physical aspect is removed?
10. Relationship clarity love spread

Seeking transparency in your relationship? This clarity love spread is going to help you reflect on the current status of your partnership and decide whether this type of connection is right for you. Cards 2 and 3 will illustrate the desires that you and your partner display on a regular basis. Cards 6 and 7 will determine the weaknesses and strengths of your alliance, while card 8 will encourage thoughts related to the progress of your partnership.
- Card 1: How do you view your relationship?
- Card 2: What is your goal in a relationship?
- Card 3: What is your partner’s goal?
- Card 4: What does your partner bring to a relationship?
- Card 5: What do you bring to a relationship?
- Card 6: Where are your strengths in a relationship?
- Card 7: Where are your weaknesses in a relationship?
- Card 8: What can you do to improve your love life?
When performed right, a tarot spread for love can benefit your relationship as it stimulates development and transformation. A love reading tarot session is enough to teach us lessons in romance and passion, as well as provide tips on how to improve our dating experience and contribute to our partner’s life. Those who are ready to find wisdom and good judgment to enhance their private life can rely on love tarot spreads delivered by psychic experts at our services. By ordering a love tarot spread reading from a trusted psychic, you will create harmony in your love life and allow romance to become your guide.
To perform a classic love reading spread, you can use the tarot deck made up of 78 cards and clear your personal space before proceeding with the tarot session. Some of the most popular love spreads for gaining clarity in a relationship are general love spread and compatibility spread. However, you can always come up with your own tarot love spreads for improving your relationship.
Choosing questions for a love reading depends on the querent, but the most common requests when doing a tarot spread for love are tips on how to find your soulmate, the blocks that prevent you from meeting the love of your life, necessary steps for improving a relationship, and a plan of action for those who are ready to meet their crush.
Top tarot cards that symbolize a romantic union and can be used for making predictions about your relationship include the Lovers (deep connection), the Two of Cups (commitment), the Ten of Cups (happy union), the Four of Wands (engagement), the Ten of Pentacles (marriage), the Ace of Cups (new relationship), and the Hierophant (a long-term relationship).
Psychic experts recommend pulling one card for tarot love spreads that do not require a lengthy answer. Although you have an opportunity to pull as many cards as you want, it is best to start with traditional relationship spread tarot readings that can use 6–8 cards and cover the most urgent requests related to your love life.
Love tarot spreads answer the most popular questions you may think of that touch upon your love life and relationships. They can help you assess the current status of your partnership, embark on a journey to find new love, strengthen the heartfelt connection, and get valuable advice on how to draw the attention of your love interest.

He is the founder of The Allender Center and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, which prepared mental health professionals and helped hundreds of lives to heal their traumas.
Now Dan is working as a spiritual specialist at PsychicHouseOfMagic.