What is karmic healing?
Your spirit, like your body, needs an intoxication because it accumulates poor and unhealthy participles. While low physical health demands refusing bad habits and starting a diet to reduce the level of toxins in the body, your soul needs to get rid of negative thoughts and the destructive mindset to begin a renewal journey. This journey may start with karma cleansing. But what are karma and clearing negative karma?
Karma describes all your actions and decisions, the consequences of which require balance. It implies being rewarded for what you project into the world. We are all humans and can’t be positive and project gratitude 24/7. It’s normal since human life consists of white, black, and other color lines. However, an unchanging negative attitude may make a karmic cycle work against you.
A karma cleanse can help you start a new karmic cycle without old heavy damaging past baggage. The karmic cycle is not always bad. It can be positive too. Your inner energy creates your experiences.
The cleanse karma process involves various spiritual practices that aim at resetting your mindset and making your energy strings vibrate on positive magnitudes.
5 steps to karmic cleansing

In Sanskrit, karma means a cycle of cause and effect. It implies that not only your actions but also your thoughts and words will be rewarded. So, how to cleanse bad karma? If you want to create a better future and are ready to remove bad karma, you can consider the following karma cleansing techniques.
Seeking and bestowing forgiveness is a crucial part of a karmic cleanse. Imagine that you feel guilty about someone. You are afraid that this person may not forgive you. But whether a person forgives you or not does not change much. You have to feel sincere repentance first. Also, knowing that someone has forgiven you or not can ease your inner suffering because ignorance is much more harmful than realizing you have not been forgiven.
It is also crucial to give forgiveness to someone who intentionally or unintentionally harmed you. Do you wonder why?
- First of all, some people enjoy the negative energy of others. Having offended you and seeing that it hurt you, they will feel their victory because your negative emotions are what they wanted. That’s why forgive them for not bringing them such satisfaction!
- Secondly, by trying to understand, you can see that some people offend others because they carry hidden pain in their hearts. You can do nothing about it but forgive them and mind your business.
- Thirdly, resentment is a negative emotion that affects your emotional well-being and, thus, your karma. By forgiving and letting it go, you increase your chances of having clean karma.
The most extraordinary feature of gratitude is that, while projecting it, you get even more in return. This is another answer to “How to get rid of bad karma?”. Your clean karma circle is based on the fact that you enjoy what you have. This gratefulness for things your life is already rich on will multiply.
Also, gratitude helps us see the light in the deep abyss of negativism. Gratitude opens our eyes to the beauty of the world around us, which you would never have noticed, immersed in eternal lamentations for failures.
So, for example, when you are grateful to someone for their love for you, you project that gratitude on a visible level by smiling, making compliments, or doing other pleasant things to show you are happy to have such people in your life. These people, seeing your joy, want to give you even more of this love. It is how the karmic circle works.
Creativity implies thinking in a new direction, which is essential if you want to start a new karmic circle.
By developing creativity, you build up new neural connections in the brain, which program is different from the negative settings in your existing neurons. It helps you look at things from another perspective, which usually turns out promising and prosperous. It is the main stage of karma cleansing.
In addition, when your mind is busy with creative things that differ from routine tasks, you are distracted from negative thoughts.
To develop creativity, you don’t need to participate in all creative master classes you come across or suddenly start such creative work as writing or drawing, which you may not enjoy at all. Creativity means to start doing something new. You can implement novelty on a daily or weekly basis. Switch on your imaginary lamp and decide what this novelty can look like.
Negative threads in the clean karma circle mean you are stuck. You are stuck in one place, in the same patterns. To develop yourself in a specific area means to get out of these patterns and give yourself a chance to cleanse karma. If we refer to the laws of karma, development brings development. Therefore, you will be able to rise emotionally and expand the positive sides of your life.
Change is an essential part of each of us. Progress also includes changes, whether in the emotional, professional, or personal spheres. To break the circle of bad karma, you need not resist these changes but rather meet them as old, good friends who want only the best for you.
The more you give, the more you get — this paradox is known to everyone. Generosity doesn’t mean blindly giving away the last shirt. There is no wisdom or profit in such actions. Charity implies giving something to people who may need this thing more than you. For example, you can donate to charitable foundations that help orphans and nursing homes.
Also, generosity is not only about material donations. For example, you can spend your time volunteering at a local hospital.
Many people feel better when they are generous. It brings joy to know you can do something good for the world. Besides, many people, seeing your generosity, want to be helpful to you too.