One of the often and most commonly found astrological drawback or dosh is mangalik dosh. In English Mangal is known as Mars, in ancient Sanskrit it was called by the name Kuja. Persons in whose horoscope, Mars exists in the 1st .2nd ,4th ,7th ,8th and 12th house are commonly known as manglik.
In an astrological chart there are twelve houses, presence of planet Mars in any of the above mentioned six houses can cause mangal dosha. Different people use different name of mangal dosha, like some say it Kuja Dosha, Bhok Dosha, or some call it by the name of Angarakha Dosha.
There are certain characteristics which are attached to Mangal Dosha, like it can be present in the astrological chart of both the sexes, energy level of a mangalik person can be compared with that of fire, person with mangal dosha has a volatile temper as planet Mars represents respect, energy, ego and self-esteem, it affects the married life and mental status of a person and can lead to financial losses.
The effects of Mangal dosh get nullified, if person with this dosh are married to one who have same dosh in his/her horoscope or if the person with this dosh is born on Tuesday (Mangalwar).
Mangal dosh has different effects on the life of a person depending upon the position of the Mars in the astrological chart of the person.
If it is situated in the 1st house, which is the house of spouse, it affects the married life leading to unnecessary conflicts, physical assault & violence. This can further lead to tension, distress, separation or even divorce.
If it is positioned in the 2nd house it affects the family life of a person. Presence of Mars in the 2nd house creates obstacles in married as well as professional life.
If it is positioned on the 4th house of a person’s astrological chart, it will cause professional as well as financial instability.
How To Find Manglik Dosh In Kundali

If it is situated in the 7th house of a person’s astrological chart, will give the person with high level of energy and such person can be-short tempered. This will lead to development of hostile relationship with family members. These people are dominating & dictating to their partners & may have more than one partner.
If it is situated in the 8th house of a person’s astrological chart, it will make that person lazy & they will not be able to keep up a rapport with their elders. This will lead to loss of paternal property th house of a person’s astrological chart, it will lead to have financial & mental problem. And such persons have many enemies.
As we have discussed earlier that mangal dosh affects both the sexes, be it girl or a boy. If a boy is suffering from mangal dosh then it will lead to his delayed marriage, even after marriage there are chances of conflicts and dispute with his spouse and the chances of death of such persons spouse are also very high. Indian astrology has many solutions by which manglik dosh can be removed but this should be done by an experienced astrologer.
One of the most popular remedy for mangal dosh nivaran for boy, is such boy should be married to a girl having same dosh that is mangalik dosh. This will nullify the effect of manglik dosh from both their life. There are various pujas for mangal dosh nivaran for boy, but these pujas needs to do by an experienced astrologer.
Manglik dosh nivaran puja is performed for the removal of manglik dosh from the astrological chart of a person suffering from this dosh. This puja is different for each person because everyone has unique astrological chart.
There are various mangal dosh puja suggested in Indian astrology. These pujas needs to be performed under the supervision of an experienced astrologer. Some of the Mangal dosh pujas are mangal grahshanti puja, Mangal gauri puja, Hanumant puja, Katyayini puja, Uma Maheshwar puja, Ramjankivivah puja and Kumbhvivah puja.
There are also various mangal doshs shanti mantras which can be used for mangal dosh nivaran for boy. Below is some of the mangal dosh shanti mantra which can curtail the ill effects of mangal dosha.
“Om sakal doshbandhu mangal”
“bandhuupadravabandhusatoondwarnavkotkhiloonshreegorakhnathshabadsanchapindkachaphuro mantra ishwarovacha”
“Om Hrim DarneeGarbhamSambhurtamvidyutkantisamprabham, Kumaaram shakti hastam tam mangal pranamyaham.”
“Om ang angaarkaay namah”
“Om Kram KrimKraum Sah BhaumaayNamah.”
Some of the remedies which can cut the effect to manga dosh are, fasting for planet mars, kumbhvivah, reciting mangal shanti mantra, contribution and offerings, wearing gemstones as a ring and finally by visiting the navagraha and Hanuman temples.
If someone has manglik dosh there is nothing to worry about it at all. Indian astrology has suggested various pujas & mantras which if performed in the supervision of an experienced astrologer will remove these dosh.
It is important to note, if someone comes to know of a mangalik dosha presence in their astrological they should take the proper advice from an experienced astrologer about how these dosh can be eliminated. Precaution taken at a proper time will dwindle or nullify the effect of this dosh.
Finally it is very important to note, that as every coin has two sides, likewise being a manglik does not add to your sufferings. Because manglik are considered as responsible, hardworking, they are born leaders and have great leadership traits, they are treated as committed, loyal and professionally they excel in a field of administrative services, politics or business.