Do you want to know what your purple aura says about your energetic state? You can learn more about the distinctive characteristics of this aura type in our short guide.

As a psychic advisor, I have encountered many individuals with a purple aura, and I find them to be deeply spiritual and introspective. People with a purple aura tend to be seekers of truth and meaning, possessing a strong intuition and a deep understanding of the universe. They are often drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing.
In my experience, individuals with a purple aura are also very creative and imaginative. They are natural artists, musicians, and writers, and are often drawn to the beauty and mystery of the world around them. People with a purple aura tend to be sensitive and empathetic, and often have a strong desire to help others and make a positive impact on the world.
However, I have also observed that individuals with a purple aura can sometimes be enigmatic and mysterious, keeping their thoughts and emotions close to the chest. They can be introverted and introspective, sometimes making it difficult for others to connect with them on a deeper level. Nonetheless, I believe a purple aura is a beautiful and unique energy, symbolizing depth, mystery, and spirituality.
As a psychic advisor, I have encountered many individuals with a purple aura, and I find them to be deeply spiritual and introspective. People with a purple aura tend to be seekers of truth and meaning, possessing a strong intuition and a deep understanding of the universe. They are often drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing.
In my experience, individuals with a purple aura are also very creative and imaginative. They are natural artists, musicians, and writers, and are often drawn to the beauty and mystery of the world around them. People with a purple aura tend to be sensitive and empathetic, and often have a strong desire to help others and make a positive impact on the world.
However, I have also observed that individuals with a purple aura can sometimes be enigmatic and mysterious, keeping their thoughts and emotions close to the chest. They can be introverted and introspective, sometimes making it difficult for others to connect with them on a deeper level. Nonetheless, I believe a purple aura is a beautiful and unique energy, symbolizing depth, mystery, and spirituality.

What is an Aura?
First things first: let’s dig deeper into the notion of aura. An aura consists of energy vibrations that surround a body. However, not only humans but also animals and plants have an aura.
Aura consists of seven colored layers:
❤️ Etheric body — red layer
🧡 Emotional body — orange layer
💛 Mental body — yellow layer
💚 Astral body — green layer
💙 Etheric Template — blue layer
🤍 Celestial body — indigo layer
💜 Causal body — purple layer
Every aura layer has its center, the chakra, which is located in different parts of the human body. There are such chakras as the Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root chakras.
A spiritual community believes that dominating color and chakra reflect our emotional state and can help uncover specific health problems sometimes. They are not visible to the naked eye. However, you can always address a professional aura reader to define your energy field or try to find it on your own. Taking a glimpse at your aura is an excellent way to self-reflection and introspection.
Characteristics of Purple Aura
The purple layer has its center in the Crown chakra. It’s the last of seven chakras located in a head zone. This chakra and a purple aura represent spiritual consciousness, enlightenment, and wisdom. Besides, some spiritualists believe a person is highly intuitive if they have a purple color domination in their aura.
Ancient people considered purple to be the color of royalty and higher society. Later, it also became the color of magic. These facts mean that purple-aura individuals are likely to have specific gifts, especially in a spiritual field. Thus, no surprise that a lot of psychics, psychologists, and healers have an activated purple chakra.
What Does Your Purple Aura Say About You?

If a purple color dominates your aura, it can bring a lot of insights into your personality. First of all, you tend to be very intuitive and sensitive, which makes you a bit of an introverted individual. Besides, these features may lead to indecisiveness since you prefer to analyze and think things over instead of taking action. However, it also means you are a great reader who can define someone’s mood and feelings.
Your intuition only scratches the surface of your true personality. The sensitivity you possess makes you also a kind person who tends to make others’ lives better by motivating them and offering your knowledge and support.
However, your sensitivity and high intuition can have a downside. Thus, your relationships can fall apart if you forget about boundaries and delve into others’ personal stuff intensively.
Besides, devoting too much time and energy to solving others’ problems, purple-aura people emotionally drain themselves. This exhaustion can lead to extremes – distancing from others instead of trying to balance the situation.
The Benefits & Challenges of Having Purple Auras in Your Life
Benefits | Challenges |
Strong intuition and spiritual awareness: People with a purple aura tend to possess a deep connection to the universe, allowing them to tap into their intuition and spiritual awareness more easily. | Tendency towards introversion: People with a purple aura may be introverted and introspective, which can make it challenging for them to connect with others on a deeper level. |
Creativity and imagination: Individuals with a purple aura often have a natural talent for creative pursuits, such as art, music, or writing. They are imaginative and innovative, able to see things in a unique and insightful way. | Difficulty expressing emotions: Individuals with a purple aura may struggle with expressing their thoughts and emotions, which can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications with others. |
Desire for positive change: People with a purple aura are often passionate about making a positive impact on the world. They may feel a strong sense of purpose and a desire to help others in some way. |
Love and Relationships for Purple Auras
It’s difficult for purple-aura individuals to handle casual, shallow dating. Their high level of sensitivity makes them seek deep connections, which not everyone can offer.
In addition, due to their intuition, purple-aura people may face difficulties in setting and maintaining boundaries, letting themselves interfere a lot in someone’s private space and letting others interfere in their space because they like helping and trying to understand others’ feelings, forgetting about their own. Thus, purple-aura owners have to learn how to respect themselves and practice setting boundaries. If you also face such problems, try self-care and creative outlets to keep your relationship healthy.
People with a purple aura may also have an opposite problem – hiding their emotions and true feelings too much. They are used to helping others and sometimes feel shame for needing help, too. You can ruin your relationship unless you learn to express your emotions.
Also, the introverted nature of purple-aura individuals makes them select a small circle of friends. Sometimes, it may be hard for them to make new acquaintances since they are not easy-going personalities.
Purple Auras in the Workplace, Career, and Professionalism
If you belong to the purple-aura community, you need to choose your job based on your passion, not money and status. Such down-to-earth things won’t satisfy. Your aura and dominating chakra belong to an upper-level layer, which means you need to focus on spiritual things rather than material.
In addition, it’s worth selecting one job which will fascinate you and focus specifically on it. Trying to be a jack of all trades will lead to burnout and stop you from achieving the maximum in your favorite field.
Individuals with purple aura may find their calling in humanitarian spheres, which implies serving the community, helping animals, or working in nature. Also, purple-aura owners can become significant assets in project-making since their passion will motivate them to dedicate their energy and time to the goal.
Different Shades of Purple Aura
Various color shades can set different character traits in a person. We will discuss several purple tones and their distinctive features.
Pastel Purple
Such people are great empaths and soul readers. However, they mix their intuitive abilities and kindness with lightheartedness and fun. Thus, they can help a person heal and bring a lot of laughter into their lives.
This deep purple color means that a person has impressive intuitive abilities. Besides, such individuals blossom with mystique and spiritual wisdom unavailable to many other people.
Dark Purple
Such shade owners have a lot in common with violet individuals. Thus, they are also great soul readers with a powerful intuition. However, a bit of dirty dark purple may indicate that it’s hard for such individuals to find a like-minded community. They may feel alone and don’t know how to solve their inner problems and insecurities.
How to Find and Read Your Aura?
The easiest way to define your aura is by approaching a skilled aura reader. However, you can also try it by yourself.
- Put your hand in front of a white background (a wall or a piece of white paper).
- Stay focused on your hand until you see the colored field covering your fingers and palms.
- If you have several colors, try to identify which one is dominating, and read the explanation of the color on the Internet or special psychic sources.
FAQ about Purple aura color meaning
A purple aura is a type of aura that’s characterized by shades of purple, lavender, and violet. It’s said to signify creativity, intuition, spirituality, and a deep connection to the divine. People with a purple aura are often described as wise, intuitive, and highly imaginative. They’re also said to possess a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a positive impact on the world.
Identifying the color of someone’s aura requires a certain level of sensitivity and intuition. However, some people may be able to see auras more easily than others. A trained aura reader or psychic may be able to identify the color of your aura through a variety of methods, including meditation, visualization, and energy work.
People with a purple aura are often highly creative and imaginative. They may have a strong connection to the spiritual realm and possess a deep wisdom that comes from within. They’re often highly intuitive and empathetic, with a strong desire to help others. They may also be highly independent and have a strong sense of purpose.
Yes, the color of an aura can change over time. It’s believed that our aura is influenced by our environment, emotions, and overall well-being. If someone experiences a major life change, such as a traumatic event or a spiritual awakening, their aura may change as a result.
Our environment and emotional state can have a significant impact on the color of our aura. For example, if someone is feeling stressed or anxious, their aura may appear darker or more muddled. If they’re feeling joyful and at peace, their aura may appear brighter and more vibrant.
Like any color, a purple aura can have positive or negative connotations depending on the situation. In general, a purple aura is associated with positive traits and characteristics, but it’s important to remember that every person is unique and complex.
There’s currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of auras and their colors. However, many people believe in the existence of auras based on their personal experiences and spiritual beliefs.
Understanding the color of your aura can provide valuable insights into your personality, emotions, and overall well-being. By embracing the positive traits associated with a purple aura, such as creativity, intuition, and spirituality, you can cultivate these qualities in your life and relationships.
There’s no definitive list of famous people or historical figures with a purple aura, but some spiritual leaders and artists are often associated with this color. Examples include Prince, Jimi Hendrix, and Edgar Cayce.
Some crystals and gemstones that are believed to enhance or balance a purple aura include amethyst, charoite, and sugilite. Essential oils that may be beneficial for a purple aura include lavender, frankincense, and ylang-ylang. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.